Learning to Love

Learning to Love

There once was a broken little girl who had very little confidence in herself and felt like a failure at everything she did. One night, this girl went to a concert with her best friend, but this was no ordinary concert. This was a Misfits concert, a legendary punk band from the ‘80s. The little girl was passionate about music and loved going to concerts; they were like an escape for her. That night at the show, the little girl met a boy with beautiful blue eyes and a smile that made her heart skip a beat. This boy was different from all the others in the past; he actually cared enough to pick up her broken pieces and fix her shattered heart. The little girl fell for him hard and for the first time in years, she trusted someone with her heart. For the first time in years, she felt loved and cared for. Every time they kissed, butterflies danced in her stomach and whenever she was in his arms,, she felt safe and warm. The little girl was genuinely happy, which she had not been in a long time. The little girl and the boy had been dating a little over a month, and the smitten little girl couldn’t be happier. Just when she started to think things were going to actually work out for once, the boy broke her heart, just like so many others in the past and he dumped her. The little girl slowly became emotionally numb and didn’t know where to turn. She was broken once again, and lost in this world with no one there to wipe her tears when she cries, no one to kiss her forehead and tell her that everything will be okay, no one there to make her feel loved. This broken little girl, is me.