Status: New! Keep or Kill?


"Why are you so desperate to leave this world? You have a chance to live Connor, a chance to live with me," I begged as I watched the small boy pace frantically back and forth in the apartment.

"Because!" Connor shouted as tears rained out of his eyes, "Because I have nothing here for me. I don't have these strings...these ties that are attached to my heart by friends or family that are keeping me down. My soul yearns to fly away and I must let it! This body I'm in, the blood that pumps through these veins are what is keeping me down and if I let my blood spill a little more then...then I can fly free!" he raised his voice as the blood continued to pour from his arm. "I can see the strings you have ones of your friends and your mother. They are connecting you to everyone you meet, even have that one special red string attached to the heart of your love. You can't possibly expect me to believe you care about me, Atticus." he laughed dryly and grasped his chest hard as he fell to his knees.

I felt tears prick my eyes as Connor fell to pieces in front of me. His words cut through me like a hot knife through butter and it killed me on the inside. He doesn't get how much I truly care about him. I sigh and look down in defeat, is this really the end?

Winter can a lonely season especially if you're a fifteen year old runaway, foster boy named Connor. This boy is determined to put an end to his pain and suffering, to his loneliness and sorrow the world has given him. Born into a foster home unaware if his parents are alive or dead since he feels they don't give much of a damn for him anyway, not sure if the rest of his family even bothers to see him; that made him much more determined to end his life. On one harsh winter night when Connor thought he put an end to his life, a strange savior named Atticus finds him in a gruesome state and is determined to save Connor's life no matter what the cost.