My collection of short stories


The canopy of white green over her body prevented any chance of someone finding what was left. She lay still in mud and frost, limbs mangled & eyes wide. One fist clenched, the other seemed to claw at the mud, attempting to drag herself out of the mud pit. Something glistened between her closed fingers, a trinket perhaps. One that had a photo of a perfect family, waiting for her to return. Now she will never. A raven flew overhead, a sign of invasion, knocking into the canopy. Snow dusted her body, skin discolored blue with blotches of frozen dirt. She lay still, if breath had left her lungs her lips would freeze from moisture but they are plump, unchapped & blue. Silence surrounded her, it unnerved me as I approuched. Her rancid scent filled my muzzle, I circle her, careful in this mudbank. The only movement is my own, I think of my childrens survival as my teeth sink into the tough skin on her leg. Dragging her carcass into the dense brush I look back and see the glistening trinket once more, worldly possessions aren't for survival. I flung her into a clearing, with a long deep howl, my pups ran to her. Feasting on a woman who thought she could fool the forest.