
Passing Out

I walk quickly, padding silently down the street.

Alone with my thoughts.

They're racing too quickly; they were hurting my head. My mind was spinning too quickly, and soon the earth seemed to follow suit.

Around and around and around, it seemed to never end.

Around and around, I can't believe what was happening.

Around it keeps on going.

Until I'm not sure what's real and what's fantasy.

I see birds, big black birds flying overhead in a lazy circle. I hear a dog barking, and it's ridiculously loud.

And then I see people, shrouded in dark shadows, moving as silently as around me as I slid through crowds. They stared at me hatefully.

I staggered back, and fell on someone's lawn.

It was much too hot outside, even though it was March.

Another stranger ran up to me. I wasn't sure whether he actually existed or not.

"Are you okay, son? Are you okay?"

Son? I wasn't his son. I was a monster's son.

My eyes fluttered and everything darkened. I welcomed it with open arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah. I don't particularly care if it's medically possible to pass out of a concussion. Or whatever's wrong with him.