
Heaven and Hell

That made me pause.


Surely, if there was the God that the Church preached about, he wouldn't let this happen to His creation.

But what do I know?

There must be someone, something that will judge you when you life is over.

When you die.

So where will that leave me?

I doubted God.

They have said so many times that He sees into your heart.

Can we see into his?

Will His love for us be so great, so expansive that it will kill the mortal that sets eyes upon it, that it will outweigh the rage that forces him to be so cruel?

Or will it hold the ironic, vengeful side that will push His hand to truly damn me, send me to hell.

Too bad I'm already there.

Perhaps He'll be merciful to His creature that was so savagely tortured in life.

What will heaven be like?

Will heaven be a relief? Will it have everything that I would ever want? Will there be no more beatings?

Anything would be better.

Heaven doesn't have much to meet up with.

Hell has a lot to beat.
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Yeah. Religious stuff, I know. But I can't help it. The last chapter begged for this to be the continuance.