
The Offer

I made myself wake up before the sky was completely light. I grabbed my backpack, emptying it out and writing a short note to Bev and Joe.

Gone to get my stuff. Be back later. --Xander

I stepped out to the cool, predawn Saturday air. It smelled sweet; Joe and Bev planted lots of flowers in both yards.

I admired the stillness of daybreak, how quiet and untouched it seemed. It was as heavy as the morning dew in summertime, and I felt like a welcomed intruder.

"What're you doing out here?"

My eyes flew to the source. It was my girl, and she was standing at the end of her driveway in blue jeans and a red University of Georgia t-shirt. It was so very tight, and drew attention to her hourglass figure. She was barefoot, and her dark hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail. Her dark eyes were focused on my own, a curiosity intensify her gaze.

"I'm going back to my house to get my stuff."

"But you dad beats you." A fact, not a question. "Why would you want to go back?"

She was so casual about it. The only emotion I could hear in her soft voice was a burning curiosity. She wanted to know, and she wanted to know now.

"I have to get my stuff. The old man goes to work in a few hours."

She seemed to consider this for a moment. I needed to get on with my plan. Then, I got an unexpected offer from her.

"Let me go with you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah. I'm sorry it took so long to update. I'll probably get the next chapter out a lot faster. Comments, purdy puh-leeze.