
Second Dose

I walked into the house. It was so silent. I didn't even hear the old man's snores, or his labored, conscious breathing.

I had no idea.

I had managed to get most of my clothes, and all of my savings. I had even gotten a little food.

But then I got greedy.

I stole some of the old man's liquor money.

That's when he came banging in.

You cunt

A fist to the side of the head. I was slammed into the wall. Stars swarmed in front of my eyes.

You bitchass

Another fist, this time to my chin. I fall backwards.

You motherfucker

He kicked me, his steeltoed shoe making contact with the side of my head.

A beautiful numbness claimed me, and darkness overtook my sight.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm finally back with my view. This is probably one of my favorites....except that he gets beat. But this could possibly be the end.

