

What the hell are you doing

The voice did not belong in this house.

I recognized the voice.

But everything was too blurry.

My mind was on the fritz.

Oh, so what do you think your bitch ass is doing?

The old man. The monster.

God, no.

What the hell do you think you're doing? What kind of monster are you?

His breath grew heavy. The demon was showing his claws.

You may be a cunt, but you're a pretty one. Come here, pussy pussy.

A shocked gasp.

A pained grunt.

A loud thud.

I blinked, trying to clear my eyes.

But the darkness was gaining ground faster than I could escape, and soon overtook me.
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Grr. I'm not sure how much longer I can drag this on. Please pleasepleaseplease comment. Puh-leeze.