

Xander. Xander. Xander! Please, please, Xander

The voice was so urgent, so worried.

And so far away.

So far away.

It was as if I was hearing her from under the water, deep, deep under the water.

Xander. Xander. Please

Then, something odd happened.


I was floating so slowly from my body, up onto the ceiling, and I saw the scene perfectly.


I was laying, like a broken doll, bloody and bruised. My head was in her lap, and she had pushed the hair away from my face. Her dark eyes were glassy with tears, and her voice was frantic.

Xander! Please!

She was trembling so badly. She was so frightened.

The old man was out cold on the bottom of the stairs.


Tears brimmed over, and two of the salty droplets landed on my face.

Xander, please....
♠ ♠ ♠
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