

Bang bang bang. The monster beats my door.

Better it than me.

"Get up, you worthless piece of shit."

I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep again. My wish for no more dreams had been granted; the few moments that I had snatched were an empty, silent bliss.

Would death be the same way?

I wondered about that sometimes. What would happen after I died, a tainted, damned soul like my own? Perhaps there would be mercy. Perhaps Death will see the pain that I have endured, the pure agony, and just make me disappear forever.

"Fucker! Get your useless ass out here!"

How the demands are shouted. I hear it in his voice. So early in the morning, and yet he's already drunk. I dropped to my knees and prayed, prayed to whoever was listening. I prayed that today would be the day that he just ended it all, that he finished me off. I prayed that it would all just stop, all just go away.

Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself. My body felt so frail, so defenseless. In a few short moments, if I were lucky, it would feel dead.

My hand trembled as I unlocked the door. The monster was swaying unsteadily, his eyes red and frightening in their rage.


He shouted it, slurring uncontrollably. His hand was huge as he cupped it and slammed my head into the doorframe. I staggered, the world becoming black for a moment and then swimming before my eyes.


He was yelling, but it seemed so far away. I felt an open hand make contact with my face. I stumbled backwards, the world so out of focus, and then I fought to keep my balance. I felt a fist collide with my jaw, sending me spinning as I crashed down the stairs.

The world was so black. I could barely see. Pain was blooming all over my body. I prayed for relief. I prayed to disappear. I prayed for the end.
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I don't know. This might be the last chapter, it might not. It depends on comments, I guess.