Status: This story had been discontinued, but look out for new ones soon.

Reality and Those Hellish Dreams

Chapter 13 - Sorry, Doc.

A week had passed since the.. Well, incident, between myself and Frankie. During that week, of course, I'd been on the tip of my toes, tip-toeing around him like a puppy who'd done wrong. Though I hadn't done anything wrong, it was still evident that Frank thought I had.. But thing's were being okay again, and when things are okay with Frankie, they're okay with me.

We were due to meet Chloe today for a 'chat'.

'Chat's with Chloe have never been good in my experience. 'Chat's with anybody whom goes by the name 'Doctor' never usually go well for me, which is one of the main reasons Frankie usually lets me write everything down and give it to her, so I don't have to actually speak to her. He'd talk to her usually, and that suited both of us fine, but today, I wasn't allowed a notepad. Frank had told me 'Honey.. No.' when I'd asked.

"But.. Why? I don't want to talk to her.. She's.. She's weird." I said, softly nuzzling against him as he tried to get dressed. I sat back on the bed, only in PJ bottoms as Frank looked for a shirt.

"She isn't weird.. And we really need to talk to her today, alright? So no notepads." He said softly, leaning down to kiss my lips and then walking through to the bathroom. I got up and followed him through the hall. "Honey, you need to get dressed." He said, laughing lightly, and looking up and down my body. I looked down at my bare torso and then back to him and he put his toothbrush in his mouth.

"Don't you like me like this?" I asked, innocently. He looked back at me again, shaking his head and chuckling lightly.

"Oo know I oo." Frank said, his tooth brush working inside his mouth making his speech sound funny. I laughed at him a little, glad I'd chosen him over any other person in the world. I looked down at my hand and at the ring on my finger, smiling at it. He'd chosen me, too.

"I'm going to go and get changed." I said to Frankie, leaving him to finish getting ready. I walked into the bedroom and glanced around, then walking over to the wardrobe, I pulled out my attire for the day. I slipped on my jeans quickly, but then realised Frank's bedside draw was open. I looked at it, curiously for a moment, before looking back at the door to the bedroom. I could still hear him singing, despite him trying to clean his teeth. I walked over to his draw, not taking my eyes off the door, and pulled it open a little more.

The draw was mainly a mess of paper, cigarettes, lighters, my pills and.. And various sharp objects. I gulped as I picked up a blade, looking at the shiny metal, feeling the coldness of it against my skin.

Frankie stopped singing and spat into the sink.

I shoved the draw closed and put the blade in my pocket, quickly, rushing to the other side of the room, putting my phone in the pocket, too. I began pulling my shirt on when I felt some hands snake around my waist. "Hey you." Frank whispered. "Awh, you're getting dressed? But you look so much better when you're shirtless.." Frank sighed into my ear. A shiver was sent all the way down my spine and then back up again. Frankie kissed the back of my neck, pulling the shirt back off my body, exposing my chest. I turned around to face him, attacking his lips quickly in a heated kiss, soft mutters and moans escaping my mouth.

Fuck I'd missed this...

"So, I know." Frank began speaking, pulling away from my mouth, but I dragged him back in, tugging at the back of his hair. He moaned softly into my mouth, pulling away again, this time determined. "Shit, Gee." He whispered as I grazed my teeth against his neck, determined not to give up either. "I know we haven't been very.. Intimate... Shit." He whispered. "I-intimate lately.. But fucking hell, I've missed this."

"I know. Now shut up and get on the bed." I said, nipping harshly at his neck. He looked up at me, smirking. "Get. On. The. Fucking. Bed." I whispered, harshly. "Now." I spat. Frank smirked at me, smiling in that way.. That seductive little smirk he always had when you knew what he wanted. He crawled onto the bed, looking up at me innocently. I remained still.

"You going to join me or do I have to entertain myself over here?" Frank asked, undoing the buttons of his shirt, slowly. Once he'd finished with them all, his hand hesitated over his belt, playing with the buckle. I approached him, but didn't get on the bed. We held eye-contact as he undid his belt, pulling it out of his jeans and dropping it onto the ground. Frank fell back onto the bed, his hand now on his thigh, dragging it higher.. and higher.. and.. He let out a soft moan. "Gee." He whispered.

I pounced on him, straddling his hips and pinning his wandering arms, done with all the teasing and games. Frankie pressed his body up against mine, looking for some kind of friction. I ground down on his hips, feeling his jeans tightening, as well as mine. Though the friction we'd created had felt amazing, it wasn't enough. We practically hadn't done anything since the nightmares had began.. I needed this. I pulled back from Frankie's lips, whispering into his ear. "You're so fucking hot." Before moving down to kiss his chest. His body writhed and moved beneath my lips and teeth, failing to keep still for longer than a few seconds. He was acting like a horny teenager. I laughed to myself, continuing to make my way towards his belly button, nipping and kissing his tattoo'd chest.

"What's so funny?" He panted out, looking down at me. I shifted my eyes to connect with him, but continued placing the odd kiss against his chest, moving lower towards the bottom of his stomach. He shifted again as my fingers connected with his sides. He laughed softly. "Nugh, Gee, it tickles." He whispered, his voice husky. I laughed again, softly.

"You're acting like a horny teen, you know?" I said, a smile playing on my lips. Frank let his hands hold onto mine as he smiled down at me.

"I kinda feel like it. I have fucking.. butterflies, Gee." He whispered. "If I'm being honest.. I haven't felt like this is a while." Frank said, his thumbs running over my hands. I placed a kiss on his stomach and then moved back up to him to kiss him, properly. We kissed, deep and slowly, hands not just touching, but feeling one another. My fingertips grazed Frank's sides and he broke the kiss. "I love you." He whispered, looking deep into my eyes.

"I love you, too." I whispered back, my genuine smile twisting into a smirk. "So, is Frankie still acting like a horny little teen?" I whispered, my hand moving down his body and moving inside of his jeans and underwear. I gripped his length, but held still.

"F-fuck. Gee. Don't even think about teasing me right now." He said, laughing lightly, but still lost within my hand. I pumped him slowly a few times, my mouth attaching back to his neck, intending to make my mark. As I clamped my mouth just under his tattoo and began to suck, my hand moved quicker and Frank began breathing out more moans and whimpers.

I withdrew my hand from his jeans, leaving a very confused and horny Frank to look up at me. "Take them off." I whispered. Kissing the side of his neck, before we were rudely interrupted by my phone ringing and buzzing in my pocket. I sighed loudly, recognising the caller ringtone to be Chloe's. Frank sighed, too.

"That's Chloe isn't it." He asked.

I nodded, annoyed, and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I pulled it out and got off the bed, leaning against the wall, my back to Frank. "Hey, Chloe." I said.

"You're late, Gerard."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. We'll be 10 minutes.. We got.. Held up. See ya', Doc." I said, hanging up on her before she had a chance to say goodbye. I placed my phone on the chest of draws closest to me before turning back 'round and looking into Frank's confused eyes. They were set on something on the bed... Something small and shiny. "Well shit." I said, looking at the blade that had fallen from my pocket.



"Why do you have one of my blades in your pocket?" Frank asked, softly. I sighed and walked over to the bed, taking his hands.

"You're not going to believe me if I tell you, are you?" I asked, already knowing his answer.

"Probably not." He said, pulling his hands away from me. "I mean.. Why would you even do that?" He asked. I stood up quickly, undoing my jeans and trying to get them down my legs. "What're you doing?"

"I'm trying to prove to you that I'm not cutting again." I said, determined. I pulled them down and sat on the bed, beside Frank. I looked down at my legs. "See? There's nothing there.. A few old scars, but nothing. I promise. See?" I said, looking down at my legs. Frank got up, putting the blade in his pocket. He pulled a shirt on and turned back to look at me.

"I believe you, Honey.. Now come on. We're late." He said, his expression unreadable.

"I love you, Frank." I whispered, looking down at my legs, again.

"I love you too, Gee. I just want you to get better. That's all." He said, looking down at his feet.
♠ ♠ ♠
To my 19 subscribers;

I know that this story doesn't get updated all that much, and it isn't always my main priority, but I wanna' thank you all for reading it. I adore you all. Even though there's only 19 of you, this story is for you guys. I wouldn't still be writing if it weren't for you. So, thank you.

Originally, this story wasn't supposed to be all that long. A few chapters and then an ending was all, but I've developed a whole new plot line around it. This is turning into a full-out story, and this is only the beginning. Thing's are starting to heat up from the next chapter. We'll be throwing Frank and Gerard out into the unknown (or very, very familiar surroundings) and you'll get to watch them struggle and play with the world.

I look forward to seeing some reactions.

Thank you, my beautiful readers.
