Status: This story had been discontinued, but look out for new ones soon.

Reality and Those Hellish Dreams

Chapter 15 - Leaving, but never forgotten.

We didn't talk on the way home.

We while walking out of Chloe's room, we didn't talk in the car home and we didn't talk when Frank had turned the engine off and simply sat in the car, running his hands through his dark hair. I looked over to him... I was going to miss him. So fucking much. "Frank.. Frankie, I love you." I whispered, looking down at my hands.

"I'm sorry, Babe. I really am." He whispered back, taking my hand in his. I looked at him, searching his face for something. "I love you. More than anything ever.. More than anybody ever could. That's why we have to do this, Sweetie."

"I know.. I know that. I understand. I just wish I didn't have to watch you leave me behind... I'm going to be lost without you." I squeezed his hand. "We've been inseparable for so long... I don't know how I'm going to handle not being beside you." I said, shuffling close to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he squeezed my hand back.

"Gerard.. Okay. Gerard, I adore you. I adore you more than anybody could ever love another person. You're beautiful... So fucking perfectly gorgeous, and I know it's going to be hard for us both to accept this, but it's help, you know? It's you getting better, and that'll help me to get better. The ultimate test for loving someone is being able to live without them... It's when they come back and you crumble, you then realize how much you need them. I.. I know I'm going to crumble. But I'm going to hold myself together until you come back. We're going to be fine... Perfect, even. Because we're two perfectly imperfect people. We fit together. We're meant to be together... We were born to be together and we'll sure as hell die together. I'm not sending you away, Baby... I'm pulling you back. Okay?"

"I love you so much."

Tears streaked down my cheeks and my body shifted as I cried into his shirt. He held me close, whispering sweet nothings to me and stroking my arm. Nothing mattered anymore. Nothing would ever matter as long as we were together and always would be. After God knows how long, we dragged ourselves inside, still holding onto one another.

"I have something for you." Frank said, closing the door. "Go upstairs and I'll bring it to you, okay?" He whispered, kissing me sweetly, but just once. I complied, running up the stairs and going into our room. I looked around while standing in the doorway. I walked over to our desk and looked at the picture of us... The perfect picture. Frankie's hands were entwined in mine, and he was placing an innocent kiss on my cheek... I'd never looked happier.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. "Now that didn't take long." I whispered, turning to face him. Frank moved away from me and sat on the edge of the bed, patting the cover beside him. I sat down quickly, looking into his beaming smile.

"Gerard... I love you. I love you so fucking much. Just.. I don't know how to say this, so I'll just say it." Frank whispered, pulling a small box from his pocket. "I adore you, Baby. And let this be a reminder to you that... Even if we're apart, we'll always be together."

He opened the box and handed a small ring to me.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't show any fucking emotion, or smile, or jump or scream... I had no air. I simply nodded, tears falling for the third fucking time today. "Yes. Y-yes. So many fucking times yes." I choked out as Frank pressed the ring onto my finger. I pounced on him, hugging and kissing him anywhere I could fucking think to kiss. "I love you, Frank. I fucking love you." I whispered, squeezing my lover.

"Now you have something to show you that where ever you may be... You'll always be my Gerard. Always."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's only short because I needed something before I sent Gerard off to Blue Stone.

So, MCR are over. Gone.. But they're never really gone. They're still here in spirit.
Like Gerard said himself, MCR was an idea, and that idea can never die... Much like this story is an idea. People have been deleting their My Chem stories.
I understand why.. But this isn't happening to this story. Not to my story.
As long as you guys are reading, I'll continue to post.
Hell, even if you stop reading... I'll still be finishing this story. I want to know how it ends.. I want to see if the guys can ever really be happy.

So, don't be sad my friends.
Gerard, Mikey, Frank and Ray may not be together anymore, but they're still my four favourite musicians. They still love us.

- Abby ox