Status: This story had been discontinued, but look out for new ones soon.

Reality and Those Hellish Dreams

Chapter 4 - Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Frank's POV

My vision came to life suddenly as a white flash past me and my eyes began to adjust to the scene around me. I tried looking around... but my eyes were set in one place and I had no control over where I was looking. The scene I was set looking at was a dull allyway, one I didn't quite recognise. It was raining hard and everything seemed to be in grays, black and whites. Although it was raining... I didn't feel wet. Or even cold, for that matter.

I didn't really feel anything, to be completely honest.

I tried calling out to someone, only to find I also didn't have a voice. It was like being in a movie cinema and I was just going to watch everything play out infront of me. And soon enough, I was sure the movie would start.

Someone walked into my line of view wearing a black hoodie and black skinny jeans. They weren't walking though. They were stomping through the rain and into the middle of the allyway, obviously pissed off. They stopped and threw a fist against the wall creating a sudden burst of crimson colour running down his knuckles and onto the pavement.

"Fuck!" They shouted as they turned to face me, pressing their back against the wall they had just punched.

If their voice didn't give it away, then seeing my own face infront of me would of. I was watching myself... And I had no say in what was happening.

"This is all that fuckers fault!" I screemed on screen, kicking the brick wall behind me and breaking down, tears begining to fall down my cheeks. My small figure slid down the wall and I watched myself pull my knees in close and cry softly into them.

"Frankie!" A new voice cried from somewhere unknown to me. Another boy ran into the shot and fell to his knees beside me. "Look, I'm so sorry.. I-" He began softly, tears also streaming down his cheeks.

"You what Gerard?! I don't want you anymore! I'm done with this shit and it's all your fucking fault!" I screamed in return.


"If you'll give me another chance I'll never do it again. I promise, Frankie, I swear on both our lives." Gerard said rushing his voice to try and make me listen, but I wouldn't.

"You've given me this little speech before, Gerard! If it was true I'd be dead already!" I screamed, getting up and kicking Gerard so he fell backwards, now lying on the floor.

Gerard cried out, but I ignored it and continued untill I was off screen.

I watched Gerard for a while. He wasn't moving. A crimson red colour entered the shot again, when Gerard sat up and his back began to bleed. I looked for something that may of caused the blood, finding that there was a small pile of glass where Gerard had been laying. It was most likely the cause of the blood, nothing too serious though.

"Why do I always fuck up?" He asked himself. "I could just end it here... I mean, if that glass was strong enough to cut my back..." He trailed off, turning around and picking up one of the bigger pieces of glass on the floor and examining it.


He placed the glass so it's sharpest edge was against his wrist and closed his eyes, forgetting about the world around him.

"Gee, look. I'm-" I began, walking back into the shot before I noticed Gee, but by this time it was too late. Insted of being met with the warm smile from my boyfriend,

I had walked in on the cold remains of his bleeding body.
♠ ♠ ♠
For anybody who didn't understand, forgive me for the confusing chapter.
The Italics are what is happening on this so called 'screen' Frank can see.
And the Bold are what Frankie's thoughts on it are.
Thank you.
- Abby. oxox