Status: This story had been discontinued, but look out for new ones soon.

Reality and Those Hellish Dreams

Chapter 5 - Safe...?

Gerards POV


My eyes flickered open slightly as the sound of footsteps began to echo through my ears softly. I was in a dark room, only one strand of light streaming down from a crack in the ceiling and lighting a small area a few steps away from me. I stood up slowly and began to walk towards the light, which seemed to grow brighter as I moved closer towards it...

I got a funny feeling from looking at the blinding white light. Almost as if I couldn't turn away, even if I wanted to, which right now, I didn't. It almost pulled me towards it, even though I was moving at such a slow and gentle pace.

I stopped myself from entering the area of the white light just outside of it and slowly raised a hand and pushed a finger tip into it softly. It felt warm... Safe... Up untill now I wasn't even sure how to feel safe. It was something new to me, something rather... odd. It sent shivers down my whole spine and up again.

I studied how the light danced around inside the small area and how my skin seemed so.. illuminated in the light.

So... Carefully... I stepped inside.

The warm feeling spread through my entire body as I entered the small circle of light and I felt a strange presence behind me. A hand found it's way around my waist from behind and held me close.

Yes, definatly safe.

A smile spread across my lips as the familiar warmth of him calmed me and played with my mind. Safe and real.

"I missed you." I whispered to him softly as I removed his hands from my waist and I turned to face him, our hands still touching, but extreamly delicatly. So delicatly, I barely felt the touch, yet I still knew it was there. He was there... Here, with me.

"I missed you too, Baby." Frankie whispered in return, his voice so soft and his head down, almost as if he was ashamed to look at me. I studied him for a moment and raised one hand to gently touch his cheek watching his lips twitch up into a small smile, but it disappearing soon after. All the moments that seemed to occur in our little circle of light seemed so soft and slow, gentle and sweet.

"You're so cold." I whispered to him. His skin felt like ice, so lifeless and dead. I pulled him in closer to me so I could wrap my arms around his shivering body in an attempt to warm him up. I gently began to rub his back to find a warm patch tracing down his freezing body. I moved my hand higher, tracing the warmth untill I was met with what seemed to be that same fucking object that's been screwing with my mind the past few nights.

"Be careful, Gee..." Frankie whispered as small tears began to escape the corners of his eyes.

"Not a-fucking-gain." I whispered as tears slowly began tracing down my cheeks too. I slowly removed the kitchen knife that was embedded deep in his back. And once it was all the way out, Frank collapsed to the floor and didn't move a inch for what seemed forever, as I simply stood in shock, my gaze set steady ahead, not moving.

I didn't dare look at him, but I could tell...

He was no longer breathing.

I simply stood and held the knife as I began to hear police sirens and people shouting around me.

"Be careful, He's got a knife!" Someone shouted as I felt somebody grab me and pull me away from my lovers dead body. I didn't talk, I didn't respond.. Hell, I could hardly breathe. I was trapped like Frankie, unable to tell the truth of what'd happened... Mainly because I didn't know what had happened. All I knew was my beautiful baby was dead.

And they thought I'd killed him...

And they were probably right.

"Sorry baby." I whispered as I was dragged into the darkness again.