Status: I update normally once a week depending on school tests and breaks. COMMENT!!!

All We Need Is Time

"Joules I Love you!"

"I saw you last night," John smiled over the science Island

"cause you're a creeper." I laughed

"haha very funny I wasn't the one hiding in my menu."

"Unsuccessfully." I muttered

"Obviously" john smiled as halvo walked up

"Joulee, you are looking rather lovely to day and i must say those jeans make your ass look amazing." Halvo joked.

"I know right?" I laughed

"What are you two doing this weekend?" Eric asked

"Nothing" we shrugged

"My friend Kennedy is having a party, and he said you guys can come" Halvo smiled

"eric, when did you go make all these friends?"I asked

"When i got cool, duuuh" Halvo laughed


It was Friday night. I was trying to decide if my dress was okay.

"Joulee! John is here!!!" Mom yelled yup the stairs.

"Hey, too dressed up?" I asked John

"No you look fine." John smiled blushing ever so slightly

"do you have your phone?" Mom asked I ran up stairs to get it. I stuffed it in the Bodice of my dress.

"watch her john" Dad said as we headed out the door.

"I will, George."

"Joulee, you look so pretty." Halvo's mom smiled when we came in to pick up Halvo

"Thank you Mrs. Halvorsen." I smiled blushing slightly

"Have fun kids" she waved.

"Hi, I'm Kennedy." a Shaggy boy said

" Joulee." I smiled

"Oh, you're Halvo and JohnO's friend! Nice to finally put a face with the name" He smiled " you wanna meet some of their other friends?" he asked walking me toward the kitchen "this is Stephen and John Gomez, John is closer to your age i think. This is Jess, but she answers to Jeff as well" He pointed to a messy haired boy and a boy with a white man Fro standing with a pretty like natural pretty girl.

"Hi I'm Joulee" I waved awkwardly

they said hi and we talked for a while Jess and i exchanged numbers,


"Jouleette, I wanna go home" JohnO slurred

"find Halvo, then John cause you sure as fuck are not driveing"

"Joules said the fuck word." he smiled like a four year old i saw Halvo

"Halvo!" I shouted semi loudly

"yeah, have you drank?"


"Good can you drive us back?" i tossed him the keys


"Joules I Love you!" John slurred laying on my shoulder.

"yeah, I love you too, JohnO" i stated dully.

"are you mad at me?" he asked "I kiss it make it better" and just like that john kissed me, but i knew it wasn't really my John there it was a drunken watered down form of my JohnO.

Halvo dropped john and i in John's driveway, Halvo gave me an apologetic look,

"John we have to be quiet" I whispered John smiled. by some act of god i managed to get john up the stairs into his room. he pulled off his shirt and crawled into the bed

"bye John."

"I Love You Joules!"
♠ ♠ ♠



Thoughts? please?