Status: I update normally once a week depending on school tests and breaks. COMMENT!!!

All We Need Is Time


I sat on the bleachers waiting for John to bat, Next to Mindy, gosh i hate Mindy, not that I really knew her that well but she happened to be everything i wasn't. Mindy was a long legged tanned bitch that knew what she wanted and how to get it. She was what John had recently begun chasing. It shouldn't have bothered me, but it did.
I texted Jess asking her to come to the game so that i wouldn't be alone, but she had to find a ride, which meant Stephen would probably come which meant the other John. I liked John but not in a way that I think he saw me. He was a sweet kid though.

"Hey." Jess smiled climbing up the bleachers with Stephen and John trailing behind her.

Jess and I chatted about our summer plans and such until the game was over.

" Good job!" an annoying screech attacked my ears and ran toward JohnO. Jess gave me a sympathetic look. Stephen closed his eyes as if it made him disappear. JohnG was kind of spaced out I looked every where but at JohnO. I didn't like Mindy. Nor did i have too.

"Good Game,JohnO" I smiled and walked away.

" Hey Stephen can you take me home please?" I asked

" I thought JohnO was going" Jess elbowed John as he talked.

"Yeah, I can" Stephen smiled.

"thank you." I smiled

"thanks" I said again climbing out of the car

"Joulee call me later" Jess yelled as i opened the door to my house.

Brandi and Garrett on the couch watching TV not that it fazed me it had been happening a lot lately....

I sat and my room and though the more i thought. the madder i became at Garrett,at John, I wanted things to be simple like when we were little but it's not like i could go back to that. there was a knock on my door. It was JohnO

"What?" I stated.

"What did I do?" John Sighed like i was always mad at him

"really john are you that fucking stupid?"

He looked at his shoes.

"get out of my room. " and i closed the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooooo i know its short???? 2012, eh? I like Harry Potter & Cardinals baseball.



John, shane , ross

Cute huh? :)

do it. :)