Status: I update normally once a week depending on school tests and breaks. COMMENT!!!

All We Need Is Time

Eighty-one, Twenty three Mean everything to me...

"John Where are we going?" I asked laughing as John sped
"you'll know when we get there" He smiled.
"I hate you." I pouted
"I love you too he smiled kissing me quickly.

Soon we pulled into a dirt parking lot that had literally one dim light pole and nothing else around it. nothing at all it was completely desolate, just dirt. i looked up the sky was clear.
"What is this place?" I ask
"eighty-one twenty-three." John smiled lightly "Can I ask you something?" John asked appearing nervous, looking at me as I climbed up on the hood of his car. "Joules you're gunna get your dress dirty" he laughed
"I bought it to wear the stains might as well be memorable,what'd you wanna ask me O'Callaghan?"
"would you be mad if I had joined garrett and Pat's new band?"
"why would my feeling on the matter even be relevant that is completely you're choice John, It'd be like me asking if you liked the bra i was wearing it's not relevant to how you see me. Do what you want to john I support you either way unless you become like a hooker or some shit." I laughed a little.
"Okay" he smiled kissing me slowly"and for the record i love that bra" he smirked and i hit him. smiling
"How did you find this place" I asked
"My dad taught me how to play baseball here." John laughed looking up at the sky
"Let's play." I smiled
"what?" John looked at me like I'd gone crazy.
"get the baseball gloves out of the backseat and lets play catch." I repeated.
"you're an odd one Joules." He muttered pulling the door open.
"So are you," i whispered " that's why you love me." I took the glove, kissed his cheek and skipped off.
"Dear lord your moms gunna kill me if you get that dress stained." John yelled
"you and I both know that she'd get over it." I called back. He threw the ball. I caught it.
"Joules, you know I love you right." John asked as he caught the ball.
"I love you too, JohnO" I smiled throwing the ball.
"I'm bored with this..." John sighed jokingly intently throwing too low.
"ass" i laughed as i fell in the dirt.
"you didn't even catch it!" He laughed helping me up. he kissed me.
we continued on like that for a long time then John drove us to the hotel the school had reserved.


John dropped me off at home around 9 in the morning

"Joulee are you still a virgin?" Garrett yelled obnoxiously as I opened the door there was a sound of two dull thunks Brandi was still here. I smiled. "She's blushing." Garrett laughed "you did the deed"
"Shut the fuck up gare." Brandi gave him a look. He was right though. "you're her big brother you're not suppose to joke about that"
"Yeah Garrett shuddup." i mocked smiling at the fact Brandi was defending me and putting Garrett in his place
Brandi and I went up stairs.
"Omigawd" She shrieked "you slept with John?" I nodded. "Wow."
"what why is that such a big deal to you?" I asked as she freaked out.
"cause I can't believe you, have been dating him this long and just now did it." she whispered
"I Just turned sixteen." I threw my hands up
"Oh sheeeet i forgot about that" she laughed.
"Wow, Brandi" I laughed "imma take a shower cause I'm sure i am not the most pleasant smelling"


"Hey" I smiled walking down stairs and saw John and Garrett sitting at the table eating ravioli like four year olds.
"hey" John smiled concentrating on his food.
"dicks didn't make me any" i laughed looking in the plan.
"John's dick made you plenty last night." My eyes went huge did he really just say that.
"Not cool dude." John looked at Garrett.
"sorry Joulee." Garrett muttered. John got up to put his bowl in the sink.
"Sorry, your brothers a dick." John smiled kissing me lightly
"over the years I've adapted to live with it and roll with the punches."
"Trey's Here."Garrett called
"did ya miss me" trey yelled walk
"nope." we all yelled
"assholes" he muttered plopping down on the couch.
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