Status: I update normally once a week depending on school tests and breaks. COMMENT!!!

All We Need Is Time

"no one wants to put up with your bitchiness"

"Halvo where are we going?" I asked crawling into his car.
"I'm not going to tell you." He smiled deviously.
"you're a dick muncher Eric Halvorsen." I pouted. Halvo drove he picked up Millie and then Brandi. Brandi and I continued to tease Millie and Halvo until Halvo simply turned up his Katy Perry CD. Why does Halvo one a Katy Perry CD? some things in this world were not meant to be questioned.
"I saw a spider I didn't scream" Halvo sang off key "and i can belch the alphabet just double dog dare me." he continued to sing. Halvo was driving toward Phoenix. He drove past the in and out and then there was nothing desert for miles as far as the eye could see.
TO JOHNO: Save me!!! XD
FROM JOHNO: From what my fair maiden haha
TO JOHNO: asshat.
FROM JOHNO : Totally.

Soon Halvo pulled into a taco bell. yes, i said a taco bell. "are you hungry?"
"what if i am Nickelsen?"
"well then by all means Halvorsen please go eat." I spoke my voice thick with sarcasm
"Just go inside no one wants to put up with you bitchiness" i know that it seems that me and Halvo are total dickfaces to each other but in reality that is just how our friend ship has always worked we were brutally evil to each other but at the end of the day we had the other's back come hell or high water
"that is not what your mom said" I called as i ran out of his car into the taco bell. upon entering I automatically recognized the awkward lanky figure I knew as JohnO. I tackeld him in a hug. He kissed me.
"I missed you." he whispered.
"I missed you too!" i smiled.
'erm" Garrett cleared his throat I then hugged my brother and all of the other band mates.
" so how was tour?" Halvo asked and the boys were off telling their tales of tour and what not. I could see it in all of their eyes they had found what they loved doing and the were good at it too. The boys all had this glimmer in their eyes like nothing else could ever match the gratification of playing for the crowd every night. i could just see that in their eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guys give me ideas to write about, I'm out of school for five days and I will try to see if I can put it in the story. :) COMMENT!!!


I don't really have any new pictures. sorry... :'(




I love you all.

Seriously please comment! XD