Status: I update normally once a week depending on school tests and breaks. COMMENT!!!

All We Need Is Time

Thanksgiving in Tempe

We all loaded up into the O'Callaghan's minivan around ten, it was at least an hour and a half back to Tempe

"johnO I'm gunna sleep on you, Okay?" i nestled my self into his shoulder. John adjusted himself so that he could sit more comfortably with me lying there.


"Joules you have to wake up." John whispered

"elgh..." I mumbled sleepily


I woke up in my bed tangeled in my blankets like somebody had tucked me in

"Joules are you awake yet?" A raspy voice whispered from the door.

"Sort of..." I laughed tiredly

"Is joulee awake?" A simalar voice asked.

"Not quite buddy" I could hear the smile in.John's voice "you can go wake her up now though."

Not even ten seconds. Later I felt the weight of a second grader jumping on to my bed "Joulee!! Wake up!" Shane. Yelled

"No!" I laughed knocking him over

"Please?" He gave me puppy dog eyes "John told play cards with us"

"Can you give me time to get dressed?" I asked Shane

"I suppose!" He sighed loudly.

"Thank you" I.smiled


John and I played phase 10 with Shane, until dinner then the little one just sort of passed out, my mom told john to set Shane up in my room. which he did without argument

"Wanna go hang out with Halvo?" John asked as the rest of our families settled onto the couch for football.

Eric Halvorsen was character if I ever saw one he was that kid who could make you piss yourself laughing at a time when you wanted to cry yourself sick. He was sweet and caring in only the way big brothers were suppose to be. Halvo was that sweet kid, a father's dream.

"sure." i laughed."

"can I come?" Garrett asked JohnO

"Sure, dude"


"HALVO!!!" I ran toward that kid full force.

"NICKELSON!!!" He Charged toward me... CRASH!!!

"oww.." We both groaned
♠ ♠ ♠
should i make my chapters longer? Thoughts? Feelings?
