Status: I update normally once a week depending on school tests and breaks. COMMENT!!!

All We Need Is Time

the New Joulee

t was two weeks until the start of Sophomore year I had managed to make my self scarce within the eyes of the boys. Brandi and I still hung out and Garrett had seen me obviously, John had seen me a few times.

"Joulee, you're going to Halvo's show tonight." Garrett said it wasn't a question

" what time are we leaving?"

"five" he turned at the door "John's coming."

"shit." i muttered

It wasn't a conscious i'm avoiding them because i want to change thing. It was more of a I'm fourteen my boobs sprouted overnight and now i look totally different than i did when school got out in May. I Had started wearing make-up and doing my hair on a normal basis. I was more comfortable with myself, but in a sense a thousand times as in secure about my appearance.

I quickly took a shower and dried my hair. I stood at my closet staring at my clothes until i remembered the dresses Jenny and my Mom gave me last year, they were girly and i did't understand why they gave them to me, until now. The dresses were always meant for a later date. I wasn't suppose to understand why i had them until i needed them. I was probably reading way too far into them i slipped on the necklace John had given me for my birthday. then i did my make-up. grabbed my bag threw lipgloss and eyeliner in with my wallet and gum and was ready just as Trey and Garrett started yelling at me.

Halvo had just come off stage.

"when the fuck did you get all sexy, Joulee!!" Halvo laughed drenched in sweat hugged me. we both heard the growl. I looked at Garrett with a what the fuck face he replied with a it wasn't me look.

" "bout the same time you got smelly." I laughed.

" While you go get attractive i get putrid, figures..." Halvo laughed pulling a gingered haired kid over with us "this is Jared, guys."

" I'm Joulee" i smiled shaking the kids hand.

"where the hell is Trey?" John whined. I elbowed him for being rude. he looked down " you're wearing the necklace..." John almost whispered.

" I have to pee." Brandi stated pulling me with her to the bathroom

" What?" I asked

" It was John."


" the growl when Halvo called you sexy it was JohnO" Brandi laughed
♠ ♠ ♠
How Joulee looks Now

Her dress...

the Necklace...

Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?