Trying Not to Love You

The chase

I believed Max’s reaction to seeing my pole dancing skills was genuine so decided not to bother mentioning it to Claire at all. The less fuss made the better really. Throughout the remaining days of tour Jacky pursued the business of aggravating me about Max and barely made it out alive. Ronnie and I were actually getting along when we weren’t ignoring one another and that made things a little easier. Finally the last show was underway and I’d allowed myself a little drink. This time it was enjoyable watching the show and dancing about.
“I can’t believe I’m actually meant to be here,” I sang with a genuine smile.
This kinda thing was something I’d miss.

“Vodddd! Do you watch 90210?” Claire randomly ran over to me and attacked me in a tight hug.

“Replay that sentence slowly in your head for a second,” I hugged her back with confusion over her dumb question.

“I’ll take that as a no then,” she chuckled.

“I’d rather drink sweat on Jackass. Do you have a point?” I released her.

“No I just wanted to see your reaction,” she laughed even louder.

“I’m surrounded by weirdos,” I sighed. “Ready to partayyy?” my grin spread at the thought of the riot we were due to cause.

“P-A-R-T-Why? Because I gotta!” Claire recited a line from The Mask and we hive fived.

The show was over and everything was packed up so we could indeed begin the party.

“Here,” Jacky sprang at me when I got into through hotel suite door. He thrust a bottle of Jager into my hands and my eyes instantly lit up.

“I love you, man!” I hugged him tightly before unscrewing the cap and breaking the seal.

Half the bottle quickly vanished all thanks to my own mouth and it seemed quite appropriate for Claire and I to be on a table dancing to Crazy Bitch as we were crazy bitches. I hopped down and selected another song to my liking, which was Kickstart My Heart. From then on I took over and compiled a playlist as a self elected DJ. Midway through Shut Me Up by MSI I felt my phone vibrating ferociously. I was jumping about with more enthusiasm than a cheerleader at homecoming or whatever when I pulled it out. I quickly dived out into the corridor to answer the call.

“Yelloo?” I picked up while still bouncing around in my glittery stiletto shoes.

“Hey, Vod, hows it going?” I knew it to be Max.

“Awesome, dude. Where are you?” still obnoxiously bouncing around the empty corridor.

“I believe I’m at your hotel. What floor are you on?”

“Seventh. Hurryyyy!” I urged like an excited child at Christmas.

“Oh my way,” Max laughed and hung up.

“She’s gonna climb all over me, I’m like a pony at my own rodeo,” I sang along to the song which was blaring through the open door.

“Vod! Whatcha doin’?” Ronnie caught me as I re-entered the room.

“Going to meet Max. I’ll be back!” I grinned.

“Max? My Max?” Ronnie looked serious for a moment.

“Well he’s not yours but yeah I think I know what you mean,” I answered looking around for a bottle, my bottle to be precise which I locate on the table by the iPod dock.

“Since when were you talking to him?” Ronnie asked over the loud music.

“When do you think,” I rolled my eyes and laughed, picking up the remains of my drink.

“Don’t tell me that’s who you’re in love with,” he gave me a filthy look.

“No! I’m not in love with him. Jacky was just being a twat!” I defended myself.

“Really, a twat?” Ronnie put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me displeased.

“Don’t say ‘twat’ you sound stupid cause you can’t pronounce it properly,” I giggled a little and made for the door.

“Vod!” Ronnie called after me.

“I’ll be back in a minute. Hush up,” I left the room and darted towards the elevator.

“What’s up, man?”
I glanced back to see Ryan stood with Ronnie at the doorway, both of them watching me. I ran around the corner and slammed into something. Well more flipped over something. I lay on the floor dazed and sat up slowly.

“Thank fuck the lid was on,” I mumbled and stared at my Jager bottle with a smile.

“Vod?” a voice called down the corridor in the direction I was running.

I looked around and noticed a large plant pot tipped over; soil across the hall and one of my shoes had flown off. Laughter burst from my lips at my slightly drunken stupidity and then I saw Max striding towards me with my shoe in his hand. I laughed harder at the confused smile upon his pale face.

“Heyyy,” I beamed up once the laughter subsided.

“I shouldn’t be surprised should I?” he asked and crouched in front of me.

“Never,” I declared, “Can I have my shoe please? The Cinderella look isn’t a good one for me.”

“Why certainly,” he nodded and held it out for me to slide my foot into it. “No wonder you’re tripping over shit. These are way too high for you.”

“Enough of that! Jager?” I offered him the bottle.

“Have you drank all of this?” Max took the bottle and inspected the remaining quarter.

“Uh…yeah,” I nodded vigorously. “Follow the yellow brick road,” I grabbed his wrist and tugged him towards the suite.

When we arrived back everything was still going down as normal and Murderdolls’ Death Valley Superstars was playing. It was only natural for me to resume my insane jumping around.

“Drinks over here,” I directed Max to where all the bottles of beer and spirits were on a counter top.

The usual greetings were exchanged between everyone and then god help us all Claire grabbed me and took me to a corner.

“So it begins!” she had a wild look of trouble in her eyes.

“Oh fuck. What are you talking about? You crazy flange!” I sighed.

“Are you gonna admit you like him or am I gonna have to make you?” the trouble burned brighter as she said this.

“Claire. Listen to me. Don’t be an asshole. We are not children and I will not have you acting like one. Don’t make me look crazy because I will hurt you,” I told her, deadly serious.

Her face straightened out as if my words held some clarity in that jellybean brain of hers.

“You mean it don’t you?” she replied calmly.

“I shit you not my friend. Max and I are friends and that is all. I don’t want anything more. Got it?” my eyes bore into hers. If this were a cartoon, they’re have probably turned black.

“Ok, Vod. I’ll be cool,” she nodded and smiled hopefully.

“That’s my girl,” I smiled and hugged her.

We returned to the rest of the room and I jumped on Mika before yelling down his ear, “Last week me n Satchel were at the San Diego zoo. We were on a cougar hunt and I ended up with youuu. Dragged you to a dirty cave and threw you to the ground, then I felt the sting down on my thing and I heard a hissing sound. A six foot rattle snake just bit me right below the belt, get on your knees and help me please cause it won’t suck itself!” along to the song which had started playing.

Mika stared at me in horror until I ran off and jumped on the back of the sofa by Jacky.

“Vodddd, what are you doing?” Jacky looked up at me with slightly distress.

“I’m sorting your hair out. Quieten down, boy,” I smiled.

I reached for my bag, which was on the table behind me and produced my comb and hairspray. I pulled his bandana off then he began to protest.

“Don’t make me spray your eye! Behave and let me have my fun. You need beautifying,” I nodded smugly.

Jacky grumbled and continued his conversation so I could go about my art. When I was finished after about five minutes I grinned proudly.

“Nice hair, dude,” Ryan smirked at him.

“Argh, Vod, what have you done!” Jacky looked at me with folded arms.

“I only maximised your hair to its full potential. It looks ace,” I said matter of factly.

“Jacky, you look like a dick,” Tony commented in passing.

“Nobody cares what you have to say!” I shouted at Tony whom was too surprised at my outburst to reply.

Frankly it was very cool.

“It’s cool,” Max nodded as he approached with what looked like a full Jager bottle.

“Oh my love!” I squeaked and jumped down to reach for the bottle.

“Woah, woah, woah. You had all of yours,” Max held it out of reach.

“I gave you the last of it. Come on, mannn,” I pouted, still trying to attain the liquor.

“Behave and you can have some,” he told me.

“Behave? Behave? Are you actually insane?” I shook my head. “Ask something I can actually do.”

“Vod, you’re useless,” Derek scoffed and messed up my hair.

“Your face is useless,” I glowered at him. “Fine! I’ll go…be useless elsewhere,” I stomped towards the door.

“Not so fast,” Max got a hold of my arm and I nearly fell over, luckily he caught me before I landed on my ass.

“Do I look like a Stretch Armstrong doll to you?” I grumbled.

“More like Barbie gone wrong,” he smirked.

“I’ll give you gone wrong,” I huffed and grabbed the bottle, escaping out of the door in a neon black blur.

“Did you just see that?” I heard him ask incredulously.

“You better get after her if you wanna see that drink again,” Claire’s voice followed.

I was just walking down the corridor slowly until I heard my name called. I looked back and Max was there, “Give it back,” he said following me.

“No!” I told him and flicked my six inches of heel off in his direction before bolting down that corner, jumping over the plant, which was still across the hallway.

Glancing back I saw he was following me, fuck. I raced all the way to the elevator and the doors opened right away but did not close in time. Stupid elevators.

“You’re out of options,” Max grinned, pressing the button for the top floor, which consequently was ten floors up.

I thought for a few moments and realised he was right. I slid down to sit on the floor and begrudgingly held out the bottle for him to take.

“It was worth a try,” I sighed but smiled as he sat beside me.

“I was gonna share it anyway,” he took a sip before passing it back to me.

I eyed him thoughtfully before taking a large gulp myself. I licked my lips and gave him the deep green bottle back.
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More thanks guys XD

Vod deserved that Jager in the end, lets face it.

Comments really are appreciated and I'll try to get the next out before the week is up.