Status: Active

Shake The Trees See What Falls Out Of Them


People. People everywhere. I like people, sometimes. Sometimes I just want to tell everyone to go fuck themselves and go to hell. Other times I love people and want to spend every moment with them.

I'm constantly changing from wanting to be alone and wanting to be loved.

Maia came towards me as I sat on the bleachers waiting for my team to go and play some silly little game that our gym teachers could laugh at us playing. I swear, gym class should be considered public humiliation.

"Hey Lydia," she said with her usual perky bluntness.

"Hey Maia! How are you ankles?" I asked. I knew she had gone ice skating and her skates rubbed her ankles.

"Better. They still hurt though. One part is like a gaping wound."

I laughed, "Of course, well that's good."

We sat in silence as I watched the ball fly in the air between playing members like a floating orb. I didn't really understand the game we were playing. I just started listening to everyone laugh and could hear people complaining about their team mates. I think it's quite rude. Just because someone isn't as athletic as you doesn't mean you should complain and say right in front of their face and that you with that you had a better team. It's rude. It's ignorant. It's awful. How would you feel if someone did that to you?

"Red team off, blue team on," I heard one of our gym teachers say.

I had a blue jersey on. That meant my team was up.

The ball floated between the players while I just looked like I was participating. I fucking hate gym. I never do anything, but I still manage to have a decent grade. Go me.

I also know I'm not the most athletic person ever. I'm not good at many sports and I'm very accident prone. I've been to the emergency room thirteen times in my life. I'm a major klutz.

As one person shot the ball my mind suddenly drifted to Henry. I swear, if that kid ever just put out an album of him playing guitar, I would buy it in a heart beat. It would probably be my soundtrack to sing me to sleep every night.

I watched the whole room spin around me like a carousel. It looked like everything was brighter than before. If this is what being high felt like then this is awesome. Oh wait, it was just a day dream. I day dream way too much. Dreaming is good for the soul. Which is why I'll always do it.

The ball was suddenly thrown to me and I caught it. One of the rules was that you couldn't move when you had the ball, but your team mates could move all around you. I looked for an open player and saw Thomas.

He was one of the sometimes rude people who wished we had a better team. When he muttered what he said I replied with, "Yeah Thomas, I know I suck at sports."

He smiled and gave a slight laugh.

Thomas was a very attractive boy who had black straight hair that was as dark as the Alaskan night sky. He was tan, he was from Florida and was also Native American. He wasn't too tall and he wasn't too short. He had the perfect stature for his weight. He ran towards me and I threw the ball to him. He caught it gracefully and scored a goal for our team.

Thanks other team members that pay attention. You just saved my ass.
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Third chapter. Woot woot.
This story is starting to actually become a story, not just things in my life I want to happen.
Hell yeah.