My Heart Beats for the Monster in Disguise

Misao will do anything to get stronger just because she knows no one will protect her. But along the way she discovers people that would do just that. Life is hard living in an unsure family and being just as unsure about the future. When she moves pass the negativity, she finds she is stronger than she thought and weaker in a way she has never experienced...of course it is love or is it the spiraling depths of betrayal.
  1. My New Master
    Misao gets a new doujo master that picks on her for all the right reasons. But she would never tell him that.
  2. My New Crush
    Misao sees a side of her master that isn't so cruel but did he see through her disguise as well?
  3. My Evaluation
    The evaluations are here but it looks like Misao is the one doing the evaluating as she makes a choice about which path to follow with her master.