Status: In progress?

Not Your Average Fairytale

Delani hates humans. She's a faery that doesn't quite fit in with the rest. While others want to help the humans, she sulks in her home occampanied by her only friend, a faery named Dain. He's the only one who she'll talk to without getting worked up and the only one she feels she can trust.

Logan hates what isn't real. He's a teenage boy on the school football team. He's the popular one with all the attention. He tries to listen to the stories his best friend Alex tells him, but when it's about faeries and mythical creatures, he just can't take another word that comes out of her mouth.

So what happens when a faery girl meets a human boy and one hates the other, while the other doesn't believe she could exist? I guess you'll just have to read and find out :)