Status: ACtiVE

I Swear to Secrecy

I Swear to Keep Our Meeting a Secret

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

My friend Sam looked at me with hopeful eyes. I just shrugged her off and mock-snorted. "I dunno. I'll probably be playing around with an. . . incubus."

"Don't say that," Sam said to me, looking at me with a straight face. She takes everything regarding the unnatural seriously. Probably because her family owns that shrine.

"Naw," I shook it off. "Calm down. I'm only joking, anyway, I'll see you tomorrow." I turned around and walked away from the school gates.

When I was at the park, I decided to sit down. I didn't realise I was about to sit on a woman until it was too late. I quickly got up and said sorry, but she didn't hear me. She was probably dead.

This was one strange looking woman. She looked and dressed like she lived in the 1700's. She even looked like she didn't have a ribcage. Urgh. I'd hate to live in those times, when they removed your ribcage. That'd be painful.

I poked the woman's cheek. "Yup," I announced to nobody. "Definately dead."

I took my cell out of my pocket and dialed 0-0-0.

"Hello? Police, ambulance or fire brigade?" the lady on the other line said.

"Police," I replied in a monotone.

"Okay. What's thw emergency?" she asked.

Noisy, muchh, I thought. "I've found a dead body."

"Well, I need-"

Someone took my phone out of my hand. "My sister's just joking around with my phone. She's only 10, so she doesn't know nuch. I'm sorry to inconvinience you."

The man - I figured it's a man, seeing it was a male voice - tossed my phone at me. I turned around to face him. "What the hell? Butting in like that, do you want me to suspect you of murder?"

"Why suspect," he shrugged. "It was me. Nothing to hid, just my nature."

"Whaa?" I said, backing away. I soon found myself against a tree. "You mean I'm talking to a psychotic killer?"

"No. I said, it's my nature. Not me, my species in general. We use 'em, then devour 'em. Too bad you found me. I'm going to have to kill you now."

"Waiiit," I said, everything finally clicking. "I get it. You're an incubus. Me and my big mouth. Well, Mr. Incubus, I heard if someone pledges to become your servant, and swear to secrecy, you can't kill 'em, right? Well, I hereby pledge to become your servant."

The man sighed, and held out his hand. "Elliot," he said.

"Elliot, seriously? What kind of a name is Elliot?" I said, supressing a laugh.

"Shuddup," Elliot said, annoyed. "And your name, Miss Servant?"

I rolled my eyes and shook his hand. "JeMi."

"Je Mi?"

"No. All together, JeMi."

"Whatever," Elliot said. "you're now my property. I'll meet you tonight and take you to my mansion."

Whoa. Mansion?
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