Sick Hearts

Words I Thought I'd Never Speak

Is it hard understanding, I'm incomplete?

Dear Mikey,

Do you remember the first time we touched?

Your fingers brushed against mine in the darkness of the room.

The shock, that was what came first.

The electricity.

The pulse that shot through our veins. It made my body ache and long for the feeling of your flesh against mine.

The heat came next.

Pink spread across my face as the warmth of your skin almost burned me.

My heart sped up.

Faster and faster.

Why don't you touch me anymore?

Do you remember the first time we kissed?

Our lips crushed together.

The way our bodies fit together like a puzzle piece. The way we melted into one.

The feeling of your skin was what made my heart speed up. But the feeling of your lips made my heart stop.

My heart froze for a moment.

That fraction of a second seem to last an eternity.

I wish it had.

An eternity in you kiss.

Why don't you kiss me anymore?

Do you remember the first time we said, "I love you"?

You pulled me in from the rain. Both of us were dripping and cold. You brushed aside my hair and whispered it into my ear.

My heart felt like it was going to burst.

It made me ecstatic to hear those words.

To know that you loved me just as much as I loved you.

But the problem is, I don't think you ever did.

Why don't you say you love me anymore?

I will always love you,

Now I know that I can't make you stay, but where's your heart?
♠ ♠ ♠
This story isn't actually for TheEnfoldingDarkness, it's for her cousin....

I am sooo sorry.......I just remembered that you asked me to switch between his/her point of view........I'm a terrible person who is very very sorry......