Status: Slow but active

He Always Wanted More


Nothing was ever good enough for Laiken. 

He always wanted more. 

More drugs, more booze, more porn. 

Whatever Laiken could get his hands on. 

It was the same with him and me. 

Even now, where I'm seven months pregnant with triplets. 


My name's Arabella Trey. Formally, Arabella Lukas.

Lukas before I got married to Laiken. Before he knocked me up with three babies. 

But, you don't wanna hear that story, do you? 

Alright, but not now.

Let's start from the begininng. 

3 years earlier

My brother had just left for college, and here I was 17 years old and ready to be free and have the loft all to myself. 

I was excited because my mom and dad were getting along great with Ashton out of the house and it was Saturday afternoon. 

I just got off work and was sitting in my loft(yay!) watching Glee parodies on Youtube, whenever my cell phone started ringing. 

I paused the video. 


"Arie!" It was Ashton. 

"What, Ash?" 

"I need you to tell mom an dad to come up tonight." 

I groaned, "Why....." I whined. 

"Because, I'm cooking dinner and it'll be the perfect time to tell them that I'm dropping out..."

My eyes got big, I could feel them. "What??" 

"I met these guys and we tinkered around with some chords and boom! We're epically awesome!!" 


Whenever we talk about the band, I guess you should know who the members of my brother's band are.

Alright, my brother plays guitair. 

Laiken Trey is the lead singer. 

Preston Walton is the drummer.

Carl Reichel is the base. 


"So, your starting a band?" I asked him as I shut my laptop and put it on the pool table. 

"Yup!" Ashton said. "They're comin' over tonight for supper. Cause I wanna introduce y'all."

"Why can't you call them?"

"Because I think it would be better if you ask them, my weeny little sis."

"Shut up, Ash. I'll ask them. Hang on." 

I threw my phone on the carpet and then ran down the stairs. It was tue beginning of September, so school wasn't in and my mom was off work until my Aunt Katie had her baby. 

Aunt Katie was staying with us, because she got raped by some guy in all white clothing (I know, white?!) and she was afraid to live alone. So mom said that she could live with us in the guest room for a while. 

She was only three months along so she wasn't very big. 

My mom was sitting on the couch watching a rerun of Jersey Shore while  playing solitaire on her iPad. 

"Mommy!" I yelled. 

My mom looked up. I looked like her a little bit, with her dark blue eyes and straight teeth that hadn't been metal touched at all. 

"What, Arie?" she clicked the button for her iPad and took her glasses off. 
"And if you're asking to go to Leigh Anne or someone's house, the answer is no." 

"No." I said as I plopped myself on the recliner in the corner. "Ash called and told me that he wants us to come up to dinner and meet his new 'friends'." 

"Why didn't he call me?" my mom asked me, raising one of her brown eyebrows. 

"Because he's being a weirdo." I concluded. 

"Do you wanna talk to him?" I asked. "He's still on my phone, probably singing some dumb song." 

"Tell him to call me." 

"Mmmmkayy." I ran up the stairs and picked up my iPhone. 

"Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg, the Batmobile lost it's wheel and the joker got awwwwaaaayy!" Ashton screamed through the reciever. 

"Mom wants you to call her. Ok? Iloveyoubyeee!"

I hung up on him and threw my phone across the carpet and then jumped over to the pool table and grabbed my laptop. I sprawled out on the carpet and pressed play. 


"Arabella!" I heard my name over the Key Of Awesome's Justin Bieber "Sleep On You" parody and tore my headphones off.

"WHAT???" I screamed. 

"Get dressed! We're going to your brother's apartment!"

I sighed and walked over to my dresser. 

I pulled out a white tank top and a black cardigan along with purple sweatpants and mocha colored Uggs. Then I walked into my bathroom and pulled my dark brown into a loose ponytail and then I used a purple giant clip to put under the ponytail, letting the bottom and the middle of the long hair piece fall over it, making it look like an elegant short ponytail.

I then grabbed my cell and my iPad and the keys to my white convertible. 

"Mom, imma go now, k?" my mom was helping Aunt Katie rub some Jeurgen's lotion on her small rounded tummy. 

"Sure." my mom said. "Bye, babe."

"Bye Aunt Katie, bye mom." I waved goodbye to both of them and grabbed a Dasani and my chocolate chip cookies that my friend and I had just baked. I also grabbed my purple Gucci purse and skipped out to my car. 

I threw my stuff into the backseat, minus a cookie and my purse and turned the ignition on. 

I pulled slowly out of the driveway and started down Mulbrewy Lane. 
♠ ♠ ♠
[A/N] Hey, thanks for reading the first chapter. I know I have a lot of stories, but this one is one of those stories that I will update via my ipod. Unless I come completely obbsessed with it, muauahaha!

But what I wanna say is Merry Christmas and my present to you is this. 

Comment please!

Also, I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes, because I don't have spell check on and it always messes up mah words hahahahahha