Status: Slow but active

He Always Wanted More


"Ok." I said as Ashton handed me a purple cup of water. 

Laiken nodded. 

"Alright." Ashton turned toward Laiken and gave a rueful smile. "I'll let you date my sister. But.... If she comes crying to me that you hurt her, damaged her, hurt her, made her cry, knocked her up, or anything. I will personally break your nose and I might blow your head off with my father's shotgun."

Laiken gulped. "Ok."

Ashton smiled, "I'm not done! If this affects our band in anyway, you're on probation from singing and I will sing and you will play the guitair for a month-and I know how you hate playing the guitair!"

Laiken nodded. 

"Anddd...I don't wanna hear about your makeout sessions from either of you." Ashton smiled. "And I get to play the big brother at some points."

Laiken nodded and then inched closer towards me. In my ear he whispered, "It's a deal?"

I nodded.

Laiken leaned over at shook my brother's hand. 

Ashton smiled. "Arie, you're still my baby sister...and I'm always going to want some time with my friends-that includes Lake-or my sister. So it can't be one of those revolting relationships where you never leave his side. And you still have a job, Ms. Lukas. You're still our manager/songwriter."



"EMERGENCY MEETING!" Carl stormed through the door of the apartment.

"I SECOND THAT!" I heard Preston's voice behind Carl's footsteps. 

All of the lights were out, and me and my boys had decided to watch a movie. 

We had chosen 'Where the Red Fern Grows'.

"Guys! How did you get in?" Ash asked. 

"We know where your spare key is hidden." Carl said in a tone of voice someone would use to say 'Duh-Dur!'.

"What's the deal?" Ashton asked as he pauses the movie. 

I pulled myself away from my new boyfriend. When the lights turned off, we started a silent kissing thing. 

Ashton turned the lights on and I tore myself away from Laiken.

Laiken stood up and I followed his move. 

"Ok, wellllll...we need to know if we have a manager..." Carl trailed off. 

Apparently they hadn't seen me yet. 

I stepped out from behind Laiken. "You do."

Carl's eyes widened. "You're watching movies without us?!"

Laiken nodded. "Yup."

He grabbed my hand. 

"You wouldn't like it." I say raising an eyebrow. "Where the Red Fern Grows."

Preston rolls his eyes. 

"I can't believe you didn't invite us!"

Ashton sighs, "Lock the door and throw yourselves somewhere."


I woke up on Laiken's chest once again. This time, Lake is asleep. 

Preston and Carl are lying on the floor watching cartoons. 

"Good morning." I said hoarsly.


"Where's Ash?"

"He's umm...getting ready."

"Crap! What time is it, Carl?" Preston asks. 


"We were supposed to wake sleeping beauty up at 9!"

"Oh." Carl said. "WAKE UP, LAIKEN!!"

I lowered my eyes before I started laughing. "I think he meant me, buttface."
♠ ♠ ♠
[A/n] so you like? I like 2 things out of this-Carl's response and Ash's big bro speech. Other than that this chapter SUCKS! or does it?