Status: Slow but active

He Always Wanted More


I hung out with Kaylie until 1:30. I told her that I would text her before coming to the party.

After she left I got ready. I decided to take an extra change of clothes for the party. I also texted Laiken and told him to bring Nike sweats or something comfortable.


"Arabella!" my brother's voice echoed through the receiving part of my cell phone.


"Don't mimic me." he said. "Whatcha wearing?"

I looked in the mirror. I had the help of some very special siblings. I let Ashleigh pick out the dress-she spit on my strapless black and white checkered dress, she spit on the red one-strapped low cut dress, but she left the peacok multi-colored frock alone. Conicedentally, that one was my favorite.

Then I let Alyx pick out my earrings. He selected the small hoops. Then I pulled a small stud through my lip.

Yeah. My lip. Last year, I'd gotten Kaylie's mom to sign a slip saying I could get tattoos or piercings.

What? I had a coupon!

Of course, that stunt resulted in a month grounding. I was supposed to let it grow shut. After a month, I still had it, so now I was supposed to wear only studs.

I liked having it pierced. I had wanted my nose done too, but apparantleyit hurt. Kaylie's mom was cool with anything Kaylie chose to do. Kaylie got her nose done and the pain was horrible.

"Peacock dress with my heels!" I answered brightly to Ashton.

"Ooh! Picture please?"

"One sec." I put Ash on speaker and went to the camera. I held it out to the mirror for my famous mirror pics.

Then I sent it to him.

"Rawr!" he said.

I rolled my eyes, "Lucky I love you, Ash."

"I know!" Ashton said vibrantly. "And you're going to love this, Arie!"

"Tellllll meee whattt's gonnnaaa happeeen!" I stretched out my words which made me sound whiny.

"Nope!" he said. "I gotta go, Arie, but I'll see you tomorrow for dinner with mom and dad and the twins."

"Yup! Love ya, bye!" I hung up on him and walked downstairs. Mom was sitting with Aunt Katie on the couch.

Mom heard my heels clicking on the floor and she looked up. "Arabella!" she breathed. "You look stunning!"

Aunt Katie turned her head and grinned, "You're beautiful."

"Where are you going?" my mother pressed after her compliment. She didn't know about Laiken and I's relationship at that point.

"On a date." I said. It was Saturday and I didn't have a curfew.

My mom nodded.


Laiken picked me up as promised.

"You're very pretty today." he noted. Laiken was wearing a black button down shirt and a pair of jeans with holes in them.

"Like always?" I asked.

He chuckled, "Why, of course!"

"You're pretty too!"

Laiken wrinkled his nose. "Not exactly what I was aiming for."

I grinned, "Fine, darling!" I used my fake fancy accent. "You're handsome."

"Perfect." Laiken grinned back.


Laiken put a red cloth over my eyes.

He opened the door and then took a rope (I think) and tied my hands.

"I know how you are, Arie." he explained. He then picked me up bridal style.

"Laiken!" I squealed.

"Cinderbella!" he called back.

He walked for about a minute and a half. He sat me down on my feet. He pushed me to the ground and then heaved himself the same way so that he was on top of me-hovering, really. His breath landed on my cheeks.

He tugged at my blindfold and it pulled off my face, the cloth tickled. "Keep your eyes shut, Cindy."

He ripped off the rope.


I let my eyes open.
♠ ♠ ♠
[A/N] using the nicknames finally! (: woot woot!!!! Haha, so what do you think Laiken has up his sleeves?Something naughty?

Oh and i can't wait for you guys to see Laiken and Arie @ the party! I have it planned out kiddos!!!

~Feedback like Fudge~