Status: Slow but active

He Always Wanted More


I let my eyes open.

We were at Cardrige park. The park was my favorite spot to go whenever I was little. I loved the mini rollercoaster’s. It was more like a carnival than a park, but it still had those park things-the lake, the trail, the yoga yard, the playground-anything you can think of in a park.

I hadn’t been there since a few years ago for my birthday party. I’d mentioned to Laiken that I used to love coming there whenever I was little.

“Laiken.” I breathed.

“You like?”

I hugged him. “Yes, Laiken! It’s perfect!”

Laiken grinned. “Good.”


“Take your shoes off.” Laiken said.

I took off the green heels and handed them to him.

He tossed them into the grass. “What do you want to do?”

I looked around. I’d always wanted to go to the lake for a boat ride.

“The lake.”

Laiken smiled widely and brightly, “I was hoping you would say that.”

He pulled me up to my feet and then commanded, “Get onto my back.”

I did what he told me and jumped on him, lifting my legs. He caught them swift fully in his hands and then pushed my up on his back. “Laiken, don’t you dare drop me!”

Ashton used to try and give me piggyback rides. He always fell to his knees, dropped me on concrete, or threw me on the floor. Piggyback rides usually resulted in a broken arm for me and a sprained ankle for Ash.

“I won’t.” he said.

Laiken walked to the edge of the lake. He made this weird gigglish noise in his throat.

Then he sucked in a huge breath of air.

And screamed.

I screamed too. When he popped out of the water I was still clutching to his shirt. “Laiken you little…” I let my voice drop off.

He let go of my legs and I slipped off of his back. “I HATE YOU!”

“No.” he said. “You don’t.” He ripped off his black shirt.

I crossed my arms. “I hate it when you’re right.”

“I know.” He grinned.

He swam over to me and pulled me to his chest. “You always said you wanted to check out the lake.”

“On a boat.” I reminded him.

“Admit it, Arie.” He said. “This is better.”

I scoffed.

He was right.



I stripped off my peacock dress. We were on the trail and it was 6:00 and kinda dark. But nice.

I had on my pink bra and panty set. Laiken was shirtless and wearing a pair of Spider Pig the Simpson’s boxers. We were barefooted with our hands interlaced, perfectly fitting into each other’s.

“This was perfect.” I whispered.

“I thought you would like it.”

“I loved it.”



I pulled on my pink Hollister sweatpants and then my black popover sweatshirt. Laiken put on a pair of black jeans and a white tank top with a purple AE sweatshirt over top.

I had planned to go to Kaylie’s party and then maybe spend the night for Laiken. His present involved the nice big bedroom with no parents and nobody holding anyone back.

Just as we were walking to Laiken’s car he breathed loudly. “Oh my god!”

“What?” I asked as I pulled out my phone. I had to text Kaylie.

coming 2 the prty(: had a good time with laike cusoon(: -Arabella

“I forgot your present.” He reached in his white Nike strap bag and pulled out a neatly wrapped rectangular prism.

He handed it to me and gave me a small smile. “Open it.”

I leaned against the car and opened it up. A thin box like where you would put a necklace in stood after the red paper. I opened it up and found a silver chained locket.

“Open the locket.”

I did. The locket was heart shaped. Inside on one side was a very small piece of paper with “Laiken + Arabella” written in Laiken’s curvy handwriting. On the other side there was a picture of Laiken kissing my cheek.

“Laiken!” I whispered loudly.

He took the chain from my hands.

He stood behind me and lifted my stringy brown hair. It was still damp.

He pulled the locket over my head and clicked it together.

“Do you like it?” he asked.

I nodded, eagerly. “I love it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
[A/N] Well, now I have to write all of them on my laptop because I cracked my iPod screen.  and I have a lot written. :/ Wish me luck? Anyways…

Laiken’s Lovely Locket? Cliché or…cute?

Haha, the party is going to be hard to write (written!). And maybe hard for y’all to read? (I don’t think so but).

Also, who misses Preston and Carl?!?! And of course our lovely Ash? I think we might include them soon!

(: Anyways, I had a band concert tonight with the fake family on stage. My lab partner Drew was in the audience and my homies were behind me playing on their little drummies! (: I was playing the lovely clarinet…and now my lips hurt! :P Well…I’m in love with stage time by the way! (: But just wanted to say aloha via a/n to my FB Haydeenn! :P AKA, my spoon –n- my fake brother. I love you to the moon like a bro! :D

Super bowl sunday! Let's go...Giants?! I don't take much of an intrest in football so sorry. I could care less who wins !