Status: Slow but active

He Always Wanted More


I love you one, a two, a three shoobey-doo, I love you four-that's more, than I can afford, and I can tell someday that I'm gonna say the truth.......I LOVE YOU FIVE!

I replayed the song again. I sat against the door of Ashton's apartment with Alyx in one carrier and Ashleigh in the other. I was crying, my body shook with the sobs. 

Ashton wasn't home. I didn't bother texting him. Or going to Laiken's house. 

My mother's blood flooded my thoughts. 

"Arabella, get out!" 

I didn't believe what I was seeing. My father had never dug his teeth into my mother's skin. He'd never actually hit her with his boot or with a picture. But now, it was as if he wanted to kill her. 

"No!" I said. I ripped off a piece of my white Avenged Sevenfold shirt. 

"Arabella, we just got into an argument, you need to go to your brother's house." Dad spoke up. 

I shook my head. "No!"

"Arabella!" my mother used my name with force. "Leave!"

Before I could say anything my dad picked me up and threw me out the door. He grabbed the other kids and the set of keys to the mom's car. "Goodbye Arabella."

I hit the next button and the iPod shuffled itself into the new song-Forget About It.

You know, some days I really feel like this could work. 

Like you and I are finally gonna get it right. 

Then there are days like today-when you make me wanna tear my f-

"Arabella?" my brother asked as he pulled out my lime green headphone.
"What are you doing here?"

"Daddy tried to kill mom."

The words spilled out of me like the tears that followed, close behind. 

"Arabella, what are you talking about?" Ashton crouched down to me and picked up Ashleigh. "And why do you have the twins?"

"Dad-took a piece of glass and cut mom." I whispered as I grabbed my brother's shirt. 

"Arabella, are you sure you didn't have a bad dream?"

I shook my head, "You don't believe me?"


Babe, r u ignoring me? -Laikeen

I ignored the text message. I wasn't just ignoring Laiken-I was ignoring everyone.

Ashton brought me breakfast in bed and then took Alyx and Ashleigh to the super market to get formula to feed them. 

He nursed me. He nursed them. 

I ignored the texts from Laiken, Preston, Kaylie, Shawn, and Carl. 

I spent Monday being "sick" at Ashton's house. 

Laiken stopped by to talk to me. I let him in the room, but didn't talk to him. He left after 10 minutes of silence. 


"I hate you!" I screamed to my father. 

The news had just gotten out. He was put in custody for domestic violence. 

10,000 dollar bail. 

Ashton held my arms. Even though there was glass protecting him, if I ha it my way, my pointed nails would rip through his throat. 

"Go to Hell." I snarled. 

He just stared at me. 

"Arabella, c'mon-it's time to go." Ashton said. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the doors of the prison exit. 
♠ ♠ ♠
[A/N] ohlaa! (: whats up y'all? Comments would be nice!