Status: Slow but active

He Always Wanted More


When I was 6 my mom and dad were so in love my brother and I thought it was sick.

When I turned 12, my brother and I caught my dad throwing one of my mom's snow globes at her. 

We called Grandma and asked if we could spend the night. 

When I turned 14 my brother and I just stopped watching them. I stopped looking up to them. They were what I thought of when I thought of love. 

Now it was practically hate.

But that's not the important part. 

I've never really felt love. 

Boyfriends-yeah, I've had them. 


I've never even had a crush. 

Alright that's a lie. 

I've had a crush on Jordan Witzigreuter, all of the All Time Low boys, and Logan Henderson. But they're all unavaliable, seeing as I have no clue where they are, who they are. All I know is they're hot. 

And with the boyfriends it was a thing where, "Your hot, I'm single, Let's go see Tron!". 

But now a boy was saying he liked me. A boy that was practically off limits!


We sat down to our 'elegant' dinner of macaroni and cheese and hamburgers. 

I was seated next to Laiken (surprise, surprise) and Ashton. Ashton was beside my mother, my mother was beside dad, dad was beside Preston, and Preston was beside Carl who was beside Aunt Katie who was beside Laiken. 

At first, we ate in silence. The only sound was fork hitting plate, chewing, and the occasional sip of soda. 

Then, Ashton broke the silence. 

"So mom..." Ashton said. "Dad. I have something to tell you guys."

My mom picked at her lettuce on her hamburger. "Yes, Ash?"

My father didn't look up from his lap. He was obviously doing something on his stupid palm pilot. 

"Promise me you won't get mad."

My mom looked at Ashton, obviously a bit worried now. "Alright."

"I'm dropping out of college." Ashton started. 

My dad finally looked up from his crotch. 

My mom's eyes grew big. 

"WHAT?" they yelled in unison. 

"Wait!" my brother held up a finger. "And starting a band with Prest, Lake, and Carl!"

Ashton's eyes lit up. "We're awesome!"

My mom faked a smile at the three boys. 

"Arabella, Boys...mind if I have a word with Ashton and his father for a moment?"

We stood up from the table. 

My aunt Katie looked at my mom. "Should I go?" 

My mom shook her head no. 

"Where should we go?" Carl asked me in my ear as he scooted closer to me. 

"Let's go take a walk." I said to the guys. I walked to my brother's front door and opened the wooden door. 

When the door was shut we started down the hall in a long horizontal line that took up the entire wide corridors. 

"So you're mother is lovely." Carl said. 

I chuckled, "Rather charming, eh?"

"And your dad is certainly a talker." Preston said quietly. 

I laughed. "You should see him when he's watching a comedy movie."

I paused in the hall and made my face expressionless. 

"Ha...ha...ha..." I immitated my dad laughing. 

The boys giggled at that.


Somehow we made it to my car. I had my keys around my black and white checkered lanyard. 

"Wanna go for a ride?" I asked waving the keys from my finger. 

The boys looked at one another. 

They nodded. 

"SHOTGUN!" Laiken yelled. 

Carl and Preston grumbled as they got in the backseat of my convertible. 

I got into the drivers seat and turned the ignition on. 

Laiken got the shotgun seat and fiddled with the radio finally finding a pop station. 

'If you ever leave me, baby--leave some morphine at my door-o, cause it would take a whole lot of medication to realize what we used to have we don't have it anymore.'

Bruno Mars sang 'It will rain'. 

And then I heard another voice. It wasn't as broad as Bruno's. It was kind of deep but high pitched in all the right places. 

I looked over at Laiken. Sure enough it was Laiken singing heartily to the song. 

I loved This song was my favorite and hearing the guy that liked me sing it (and perfectly, might I add!) in front of me was like Christmas, Valentine's Day and my Birthday wrapped into one big present.  

"You're amazing." I whispered. 

Laiken looked up at me. "Thanks." his voice was quiet, and he smiled as he said it. 

He reached his hands over and held it out. 

I don't know what came over my mind.

But at that very moment, I let myself latch my hand with Laiken's and then felt the warmth of his hand. 

I could drive with one hand. 

I didn't care. 

Laiken Trey was holding my hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
[A/N] alrightt here you go! Please tell me what you think about this! imma start next chapter but...questions to answerr:

Do you like Laiken/Arie together?
Whaddaya think the band name should be?
Where will the guys and Arabella go?