Status: Slow but active

He Always Wanted More


I was still holding Laiken's hand whenever I heard Carl scream from the back.

"What the fudge, Carl?" I asked as I stopped the car at a local gas station. 

"I'm boooooreeedd!" he screeched from the back. 

I rolled my eyes, "You little baby!"

I put the car back into drive and started down Conch street again. 

"Where do you guys want to go?" I asked. 

"Movie!" Laiken yelled. 

The guys nodded in agreement. I shrugged. 

"Which movie?" I asked as we turned onto Welman Avenue. I had been in this town before whenever I was younger with Ashton and my grandma Bertha. 

"The Innocent." Preston said. 

The guys all hooted in agreement. 

I sighed. I hated scary movies but if that's what they wanted to see that's what they would see. 

I groaned, "Fine, but someone is buying me a big popcorn and a big soda and gummi worms."

They nodded. 


We bought tickets for the 7:00 show. It was 6:12 whenever we got there so we had time to kill. 

We decided to go to the arcade and buy 12 dollars in tokens. 

We all pitched in and since there were four of us we each got $3 in tokens. We broke into teams of two (me and Laiken; Carl and Preston) to see who could earn more tickets. 

Laiken and I headed over the the mini bowling spot.

I was a horrible bowler, but Laiken? He was great. 

I got all gutter balls the first time. The second time around Laiken decided to help me. 

He laced his arms around my arm and it looked like we were a mirror. He pulled my arm back and then let it go forward, softly. 

"Let go." he breathed. 

I know it wasn't supposed to-but it sounded so sexy. 


After the movie I was shaking. 

Literally, Laiken and Preston had to actually carry me out to the car. 

Carl just laughed at me. 

I don't even know why I was so freaked out. 

The movie was actually kind of funny. 

It was about these 2 girls who died in a fire. The girls were sisters and the younger sister had taken her sister's homework to wipe up something. And the older sister decided not to talk to her.

So, anyways, whenever their grandmother was babysitting she made them like some roast or something and she went to the living room to wait for the bell to ding. So whenever the bell did ding the grandma had fallen asleep and the youngest sister ha headphones in and the older sister just ignored it because she wasn't hungry. So a fire started and the grandma like saw it when she woke up but she didn't get the kids. 

So the 2 girls died and then after a year they show you the parents. 

The mom was like so depressed for a while, but then she got pregnant again. So the parents were happy but the girls saw them being happy and thought they should be unhappy. 

So they came back for revenge. 

I don't know why, but the thought of people coming back from the dead gave me the creeps. 


We rode home in silence. It was actually nice. Laiken held my hand for a while and later his grip on my fingers loosened. 

I looked over to see Laiken asleep. 

I checked on the other boys. 

Carl was snoring softly and Preston was watching something on Youtube. 

I decided to plug in my white gummi earphones to my radio and listened to the radio for a little. 

'I feel like dancing tonight!'

I listened to my Gaskarth singing my favorite All Time Low song and couldn't help but sing along. 

I pulled into the parking lot and pulled my gummi headphones and then turned the radio up. 

"WAKE UP, BOYS!!" I yelled. "And Preston!"

Carl and Laiken jumped. "What the...?!"

I gave them both a sly smile and got out of the car. I grabbed my remaining popcorn that Laiken had bought me and the gummi worms that Carl bought me and the soda that Preston shared with me.

Yeah, Laiken wasn't too happy about that. 

We walked over to the elevator with all four of us holding hands. 

"We probably look so weird." Preston said once we were in the elevator. 

I shrugged. 

Who cared?

I certainly didn't. 
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