Status: Slow but active

He Always Wanted More


Hey Arie, I would like a week to talk things to your dad. Do u mind spending the week with ash? Ummm...Also i will b home 2morro if u want to pick up some clothes and other stuff. -lu-mom-


I walked up the stairs to the house. Some lights were on, so that meant that at least someone was home. 

I knocked lightly on the door. I hadn't brought my key, because mom said she would be home. 

My mother answered the door. She was wearing a white cocktail dress and blue eyeshadow on her eyes. 

"Arabella." she let me through. 

In the living room my mother had set up a plate of cheeses and balonies. She had even gotten a small cheese fountain. 
There were a lot of guests sitting in the kitchen and on the floor of the living room. 

"Well, I'll just go get my stuff." I walked up the stairs to my loft. I grabbed some clothes, my makeup, my favotite white sparkly nail polish, my hairbrush, an extra 40 bucks from my hiding spot, and three books. If I was staying with Ashton I would need some entertainment. 

And Ashton farting the ABC song is not entertainment. 

I walked slowly down the stairs and said bye to my mom and dad. 


I walked through my brother's door to find Ashton sitting on the floor with his PSP and Preston on the couch texting someone. Laiken was in the dining room with a pair of nerd glasses on his laptop. Carl was walking to the bathroom. 

"Hi boys." I said. 

I laid my stuff back in my brother's room and changed into my white Aero sweatshirt and a pair of orange lounge pants. 

"Movie!" I annouced as I pounced on my brother's lap. 

"Uggh, Arabella! You just made me die!"

I placed two fingers on his neck. "Your still alive!"

Ashton slapped me and pushed me off of him. I pouted. 

"You're a mean big brother!"

Ashton rolled his eyes as he pushed the off button on his PSP. 

He picked me up and put me on the couch. 

"Lake, Prest, Carl, you guys watching a movie with us?" 

They nodded and walked over to the couch. 

Laiken slammed himself beside me. And I'm not talking like a foot away, I'm talking practically on my lap. 

He poked me. I looked over and watched his grey eyes dart down. 

His hand was open so that I could slip mine in between the fingers. 

I took him up on his offer and slid my fingers in. 

"So, we're gonna have to compromise." Ashton said. "Arabella doesn't like horror, Laiken likes anything but Grease, Preston likes anything, Carl won't watch Marley and Me, and I refuse to watch any Jennifer Aniston at the moment.  So, Arabella since this was your jumpy idea, pick a movie to those likings."

My brother laid himself down on a purple beanbag and looked at me. 

I slid my fingers from Laiken's and got up and walked over to my brother's movie selection. 

I looked at his Disney junk and found nothing, then went to his Nickelodeon stuff. Finally I picked up a DVD. 

I turned around on my heels. "How about The Notebook?"

I loved Ryan Gosling and this was my favorite sad movie. Plus, I loved the book too.

The guys shrugged. Ashton looked at me weirdly. 

"How did that get in there?"

I looked at it. It was mine-it had a sticker of Bugs Bunny over Rachel McAdams' face. "I think it's from when we watched it a month ago."

My brother chuckled, "W-what are you talking about? I've never seen that chick-flick in my life." he stuttered as he said it. 

"C'mon brother! You weeped more than I did!" 

My brother sighed, "You're evil."

I sloppily kissed him on the cheek. "But you still love me!"


I had my boys crying like little babies. 

And then I had Preston using my sleeve as a tissue. Laiken, when the lights were off completely, laid his head in my lap. I ran my fingers through his brown hair. 

My brother was too engaged in the movie to look up. And Preston was too busy sniffling into my shirt. Carl fell asleep at the 15 minute mark. 

So Laiken remained on my lap. I liked running my fingers through his soft hair. 

After the movie ended we watched deleted scenes. It left Laiken on my lap, my brother's neck breaking and Preston using my sleeve.


I woke up the next morning with my head on Laiken's chest and covered with a purple fluffy blanket. Laiken was awake and was looking down at me. 

The other boys were nowhere to be found. 

"G'morning, sweetie!" Laiken kissed the top of my head. 

"W-what's going on?"

Laiken chuckled, "Well, sweet cheeks-you fell asleep on me and  your brother told me that if I didn't mind, that I was supposed to leave you."

He smiled. "And of course, I don't mind."

I looked at him, even more confused. "But the movie was over."

"Yes, but after that your brother started it again." Laiken said. "And you got sleepy, so you came to my chest."

I blushed a little. 

Laiken grinned, "If your still sleepy, feel free to sleep a little more."

I chuckled, "I'm good."

I sat up and let the purple blanket fall off my back. "So did you sleep at all?" I asked him quietly. 

"Yup!" Laiken said. "For a hour or two. For the most part I watched you sleep."

I giggled. "How cute...and creepy."

Laiken shrugged. 

I didn't care if it was creepy. 

Laiken was the hottest sweetest boy ever. 

He was far. 
♠ ♠ ♠
[A/N] originally there was a chapter b4 this, unfortunatley ai deleted it in the process of trying to post it without the an!

Here u go!