Status: Slow but active

He Always Wanted More


I sipped my Moutain Dew quietly. Ashton sat beside me and sipped his Pepsi.

"You wanted me to be here?" Ashton asked.

We were sitting at the dining table. This barely happens. The most weird part was that my dad was actually at dinner and not in the electronic universe on his cell or whatever.

My mother nodded. "Yes. Jeremy, why don't we tell them before desert?"

My father nodded.

"You know how we've been fighting?" my mother asked as she sipped on her water.

Ashton and I nodded.

"Well...we think that a baby would reconnect us. Just like you two did." My mother smiled. "So we went to meet children...and tomorrow we're going to take you guys to meet a set of twins. A boy and a girl. And hopefully, we'll add them to the family."


I cried against my brother's chest. They were the kind of sobs that sent your spine tingling.

He ran his fingers through my hair as he tried desperatley to calm me down.

"They're crazy! You just moved out and I was supposed to be able to have the loft. That was the deal." I cried. "But now...'Oh! One baby with a twin sister means double the space, which means let's rip Arabella's only dream by taking the loft from her!'"

Ashton picked me up. "You wanna go to the apartment?"


He carried me downstairs where mom and dad were reading a book on baby names. After dropping the bomb, they told us they wanted to stick to the 'A' theme.

"I'm going to take her back to my place and let her calm down. We'll be back tomorrow, k?"


"Do you want any of the guys?" Ashton asked as he handed me the orange soda that he bought for me at Sheetz.

I had my arms around my knees, huggingg them to my chest.

"Can I tell you something?"

My brother grinned. "You can tell big brother Ashton anything!"

"Don't get mad at..." I whispered the last word. "Us."

Ashton nodded.

"Laiken likes me." I sighed and looked away from him. "And I kinda like him."
♠ ♠ ♠
[A/N] I didn't mean to make it this short but actually this is a good thing-you got a lot of info, don't you agree.

What do you think about Arie's reaction? What would you do if that was you in Arabella's position?

How weird was the way their parents acted?

(: find out more if you comment.

By the way, this was written on my iPod, and I just typed all of that (even the an on my laptop, because I have kind of a little chunk of writers block for the one story I wanna write, lol!)