I Don't Know Her Last Name

I Don't Know Anything

Small town, midwest state, Justin Godsey didn’t think much of the place they had stopped at just outside of the moderately small city they had just played a show at. Joe’s Pizza and Sports Bar written out of green and red florescent lights that, surprisingly, didn’t look Christmas-y, despite the holiday season. The kind of town where bar lights turn on the second the sun is gone and church bells ring come seven o’clock the next morning, during which the hung over drunks bury their heads under their pillows to try and block it out.

His thoughts where interrupted when he spotted the girl behind the bar counter. Her caramel brown to light blond bangs were tinted with the yellow-ish bar lights and florescent red and green coming in the window from outside, the rest of her hair a deep, dark chocolate brown. Her skin, or thought it seemed, was a natural brown sugar tone, her physic small and short, the kind that you’d be afraid to break. If he didn’t think there was more underneath the surface.

In a place like this, if she disappeared, it wouldn’t mean much. Really, small town life would morn for a while, but it would all be okay. Because what’s it worth to cry about it if there’s so much more to find happiness with, the football game win or this year’s graduating class making it to the end.

She was wearing blue jeans, the old, ripped up kind and an plain white tank that smell like her job and alcohol stains all across it. She seemed like the kind of girl who would wear her own band tee to a concert just to take it off once the band started. One of those girls who mixes her own drinks- three fourths Jack and one forth Coke or throwing come Bacardi rum into a plastic cup filled halfway with ice. She’ll agree to fall in love with a guy, if only for the night, because she’ll never say those three words.

But as Justin took one of the seats at the bar, she turned to him, her Joe’s name tag with SARAH written on it pinned to her breast glared back at him through the hard, dim lighting he could swear he was falling.

Justin was a single guy from a desert town down south. He got around, he was in a band for crying out loud, the kind of guy who looks for love, a real something once the sun was gone. Unfortunately, it always turned into a nothing after the sun came up.

He lost his train of thought when an old country song came from the radio, ‘Sarah’ turning to turn it up, smiling to herself as she popped the cap off of a beer for another customer. Justin smiled to himself, leaning on the counter to look at her while she quietly sang to herself. Justin’s country music queen, if only for the night.

‘Sarah’ seemed to be the right girl, pulled right from his southern dreams. Like the perfect woman for his cowboy Casanova, jerked from the movie screen. She turned from her mixing and saw Justin, giving him a quiet ‘Hey,’ to start a conversation. And for the first time, she almost didn’t want this to just be a night.

They talked all night at that bar, even after Sarah’s shift. He told her about his band, where he was from, who he was. He basically spelled himself out for her in his half-drunken stupor. She didn’t say much but he started talking about the perfect girl, what he would say to her. He wrote out his wedding vows for her, placing them into the palm of her hand.

After that night, Sarah actually went home with him. She agreed to, and why she did it... she didn’t know. Really, she didn’t. Maybe it because he was hella sexy or absolutely adorable when he was drunk or... she thought she owed it to him... or, maybe she actually wanted to but that night, she couldn’t find words to describe him. And afterward, Justin couldn’t get her out of his head, making silent plans.

But the thing was, he didn’t even know her last name. He didn’t know anything about her. And as he woke up, incredibly hung over with only a vague idea as to what he even said to her, he started writing. A song she probably wouldn’t even know was about her. Which was really ridiculous because Justin still didn’t know goddamn thing about her. He didn’t know where she was from, what she’d done... but he wanted to.

He didn’t even know how he could live without her, and he didn’t want to. He glanced back and hoped to whoever was listening that Sarah would be his.

She began to stir, rolling over in the hotel bed, her dark brown eyes finding him. He smiled and crawled into the bed with her. She shook her head, turning on her side to rest her head on his shoulder. He kissed her head, brushing his fingers through her hair.

If there was a single thought that happened to find it’s way into coherency from his ecstacy last night and pounding in his head that morning it was that he wanted that girl.
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