Status: Just one of my examples for my contests! Don't report, I need it as a guidline!

The Four of Us Stick Together in Health...and Even in Sickness! If One Goes, WE ALL GO!

Where the hell...

Kioana's Pov:

I awoke to Korana shaking me. She seemed frantic.
"Ki! Ki! Wake Up!" she said, trying to make me come to.
I groaned at her, sitting up, and looked around.
"Where are we?" I asked.

"We were going to ask you the same thing" I heard a voice was Kishniro. Kishniro was one of the four...and was also one of my most hated people...
I don't know why it is, but it just is...

"What do you mean? I'm as clueless as you! Damn it, Niro! You really think I'd put us ALL up to something like this?" I asked, getting upset.
Korana stood up, tryingto separate us. You see, with us, we each have abilites. Kitsuke is like the protector of us all...but NOT the leader.

I'm a firestarter...Quite literally, I make fires. Let's see if I can put this in a way you might understand...Have you ever read the book or watched the movie "Firestarter" by Stephen King? Well, it's a little like that.

Not all of us have our abilities yet, but they come near the same age for us all.

Niro has been blaming me for all of the things that have been happening to us...since the fifth of us died...
We never even mention them. Yes, them. The fifth is actually a set of twins.
Lanaku and Stina-kina.

Since they died, under MY watch and protection, I had to accept responsibility and have been seen as the reason for ANY downfall that we have...
♠ ♠ ♠
When Kitsuke (male),
Kioana (female),
Korana (female),
And Kishniro (male)