Status: Complete

Home for Christmas

Take me home for Christmas

Gerard is tired. He has been working at the diner all day and he is ready to go home for the night. What kind of a person works on Christmas Eve anyway? He never wanted to work as a waiter at his age. He would be thirty years old soon yet he still worked at the same stupid diner. He had dreams of being an artist but it just hadn’t worked out. Instead he worked here waiting tables for barely enough money to pay the bills. It wasn’t a great life but he was making do with what he had.

“Table three needs coffee,” his boss shouts. He nods and grabs the coffee pot from the kitchen. He knew who would be sitting at table three without even having to look.

“Hello, Merry Christmas,” Gerard says, pouring coffee into the mug.

“Hello,” the shorter man smiles.

“I wasn’t sure you’d be here on Christmas Eve,” Gerard tells him.

“I thought I’d get some coffee.”

“You come here every weekend for coffee Frank,” Gerard states.

“Yeah,” Frank nods. “I like the coffee.”

“Are you sure there isn’t anything else you like?” Gerard challenges.


Gerard changes the subject. He can’t be sure that Frank is into guys. Maybe he really does just like the coffee. But the way Frank looks at him… “Where’s your son?”

“With his mom,” Frank takes a sip of his coffee.

“So you’re all alone for Christmas?”

“I guess so,” Frank shrugs.

Before Gerard can reply he gets called over to another table. By the time the diner is ready to close and he is set to go home, Frank has finished his coffee and is just sitting at the table playing with a napkin. Gerard walks over to him. “Frank, do you want to hang out?”

“Huh?” Frank is obviously caught off guard.

“I asked you if you want to hang out. You don’t have any other plans, right? Neither do I and I could use some company tonight.”

“Sure, where do you want to go?” Frank responds.

Gerard shrugs. “I would say we could get coffee but you already had some, so how about my apartment? I could show you my paintings if you want.”

“That sounds great,” Frank nods.

Frank explains that he took a taxi to the diner because his friend is currently borrowing his car. They take Gerard’s car to Gerard’s apartment. On the way Frank talks about his son.

“His mom and I met in high school. We started dating. We were so young and stupid. She ended up pregnant and we were only twenty years old but we got married anyway. We didn’t love each other but getting married seem like the right thing to do. We started to resent each other after that. She cheated on me, I cheated on her. Finally she filed for divorce. Now I’m 26 and a single dad. I never thought that’s how my life would go but I don’t regret my son. I thought I was going to be in some kind of famous band, I’ve played guitar since I was a kid. Now I work for some record company. It’s not what I planned but it’s not the worst either, you know?”

“Yeah I know,” Gerard nods. “I didn’t exactly plan on working in a diner my whole life either.”

Gerard gives Frank a tour of his apartment when they arrive. There’s not much to see but Frank seems to like the apartment anyway. He especially likes all of Gerard’s paintings on the wall. They sit on the couch and Gerard puts an old Christmas movie on the television. Frank isn’t watching though, he’s busy flipping through Gerard’s sketchbook. “You’re really talented,” Frank comments.

“Thanks,” Gerard replies.

“Who’s this?” Frank holds the book open to a page. Gerard blushes when he sees it.

“I meant to rip those out and throw them away. That’s my…ex boyfriend.”

“He broke up with you?”

“He was kind of a douche bag,” Gerard admits.

“That sucks,” Frank continues flipping through the pages.

Gerard tries not to stare at Frank. It’s a good sign if Frank didn’t freak out knowing that Gerard is into guys. But does that mean that Frank is into guys also or is he just really friendly? “Dating must be different for you now that you have a son…”

Frank shrugs. “I don’t date much since Jamia and I divorced.”

“I don’t date too much myself. Not too many people are interested in a poor 28 year old waiter. Though, I’ve never really been a popular guy. I don’t mind though. I was always quiet growing up and I spent most of my time buried in comic books and art.”

Frank chuckles lightly. “You seem like a good guy though.”

“So do you,” Gerard tells him.

“I try to be a good example for my son. Cheating on his mom wasn’t really the best example though.”

“She cheated on you first though, didn’t she?”

“Yeah,” Frank sighs. “She cheated on me a few times and I got so mad that I went out and had a one night stand with a random guy. She was furious. It was stupid. It’s not the kind of example I want to set for Anthony. I want to be a good dad.”

“I’m sure you’re doing fine,” Gerard mumbles. He cheated on Jamia with a guy? So he’s into guys?

“It’s not easy,” Frank admits. “And sometimes I get lonely.”

“I know what you mean.”

“At least when I go to the diner, I don’t feel so alone. I like talking to you Gerard,” Frank confesses.

“I like talking to you too,” Gerard tells him.

Suddenly Frank leans in and his lips capture Gerard’s. Gerard is slightly caught off guard but he kisses back, wrapping his arms around Frank. Frank’s hands are resting on his chest and they begin to explore his upper body as the kiss becomes more passionate. Their tongues dance and Frank leans back on the armrest, pulling Gerard on top of him. Finally Gerard pulls back enough to break the kiss. He looks into Frank’s eyes. “Sorry…I shouldn’t have done that,” Frank mutters.

“I like you a lot Frank. I’ve been wanting to kiss you for a while but I wasn’t sure you liked guys,” Gerard informs him.

“I like you too Gerard,” Frank smiles. “I wasn’t sure you even noticed me this whole time.”

“Of course I did,” Gerard assures. The kiss resumes and so does Frank’s wandering hands. It turns out Frank is a very good kisser and at some point his hips begin to move against Gerard’s instinctively. Gerard half moans at the friction. “Bedroom…” he pants.

They manage to get to Gerard’s bed and Frank’s hands do more than wander when their lips collide once more. Frank is groping his ass, rubbing his arousal through his jeans, and massaging his thighs.

“Fuck,” he curses.

“I want you so bad,” Frank announces lustily.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been with someone,” Gerard admits.

“I’m sure you haven’t forgotten how. Do you have a condom?”

Gerard nods. “I really want you too Frank.”

Eventually Gerard pulls himself away from Frank long enough to find a condom and some yummy smelling lube. They make love more than once that night and fall asleep naked in each other’s arms.

When Gerard wakes up the first thing he notices is that Frank isn’t in his bed. He frowns. He’s starting to think the worst of Frank when he walks into the bedroom. “Good morning,” he smiles.

“I thought you left,” Gerard says.

“I wouldn’t do that,” Frank shakes his head. “Since you’re always the one bringing me coffee I figured I’d bring you coffee for a change.”

“Thanks,” Gerard smiles too. He takes one of the coffee mugs as Frank sits down beside him on the bed.

“Merry Christmas Gee,” Frank kisses him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would really appreciate comments. Thank you and happy holidays!