Status: Not complete

The Kie and Mizuki (Naruto) Story

Chapter 1 Dreams

Mizuki Uchiha (POV~Point Of View)
I stare up at the sky watching all the chaos.The fourth hokage is doing battle with the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon.Next thing I know I hear footsteps and turn to see my big brother Itachi running towards me with little baby Sasuke in his arms.He grabs my arm.
"We have to get somewhere safe hurry up and run"he yells
Suddenly everything changes and I'm four years old again.I sit watching as my mentor Orochimaru demonstrates the art of summoning.He goes through all the hand signs and all of sudden a huge snake appears.I jump to my feet and run screaming.
"Come back Mizuki its alright hes a really nice snake"Orochimaru says stroking the snakes head.I keep running at a mad dash all of sudden I hit something and fall to the ground.I look up to see Itachi staring surprisingly down at me.
"Whats going on Mizu?"
"N-Nothing everthing's fine big brother"I stammer
"Why were you running then"
"I uh... saw a spider yeah thats it I saw a spider and it scared me" I smile.He gives me a quizzical look.
"Um okay then" he says with a sheepish grin.
Everything starts to fade to black. First the sky,then the grass,trees and eventually Itachi.The last thing to fade,his grin.I sit in the pitch blackness and look down at myself I'm no longer four I'm my usual age of ten I notice. What's going on why's everything black I wonder.Then I get an all too familiar feeling in my stomach, the feeling of caged butterflies.The feeling I always get when I'm about to have a vision of the future.All at once,in a blinding flash the darkness disappears. I blink wildly trying to adjust my eyes to the sudden appearance of light. When I can finally see I'm surprised to see that the setting of my vision is in the Uchiha Clan District and my home. This can't be good I think. Most of my visions are either really bad or moderately good. This one I'm hoping is moderately good. I get on my feet and look around. The sky is bright with stars and all the buildings stand silently seemingly undisturbed.I start walking in the direction of my house but when I turn the corner I stop in my tracks.I see Itachi standing by my aunt and uncle's store his back turned to me. Without warning his head turns staring straight at me,I almost duck around the corner to avoid being seen before I remember that I'm invisible to everyone in my visions.The Whole time I had been staring at Itachi so I didn't notice the two slumped figures lying on the ground by his feet in a puddle of blood right away.I raise my hand to my mouth in shock.My aunt and uncle are dead.Who could have done this I wonder.I look at Itachi and then I see the bloody Kunai knife in his hand.Itachi? No he couldn't have! Sure he's been distant lately but he wouldn't kill anyone would he? I follow as he walks towards our house. He hesitates, but only for an instant at the door and then walks in. I follow as we walk through our house,he stops at the entrance to where our parents reside. I watch in silent horror as he opens the door, runs in and kills both our parents in seconds.For awhile he just stands there hiding in the shadows.It's not until I hear the small feet of Sasuke rushing through the house that I realize that he had been waiting for him.Sasuke stands staring in utter fear and terror in the doorway at the bodies of our parents.Itachi steps from the darkness.Sasuke is startled and he speaks.
"Itachi?Aunt and uncle are dead"tears appear in his eyes "So are mom and dad....Who could have done this?"Itachi doesn't speak.He suddenly grabs a shuriken and whips it staight at Sasuke. Suddenly I'm awake....and wet? I sit up in my soaking bed looking around. Itachi stands beside my bed holding a bucket. I give him a death glare. He gives me an awkward smile.
"Sorry sis but it was the only way to wake you. I tried shaking you and it didn't work, so I thought cold water would do the trick"
"Well it worked alright" I say a little pissed off."Why were you trying to wake me up anyways?"
"Well I have two reasons number one is that you were screaming like you were being tortured and two we're late for our Anbu meeting"
"Oh.......I was screaming? Wait Anbu meeting? I totally forgot about it we get our new missions today don't we?"
"yeah you were and yes we are getting our missions assigned. Hurry up Kie is outside waiting for us"
"Oh really she is? I'll be ready in a couple minutes just have to put on my gear and I'll meet you outside."
"k see you outside" he says leaving my room already dressed in his Anbu uniform.I quickly fling off my wet pajamas and throw on my uniform grabbing my mask on the way out the door.I shade my eyes against the rising sun outside.Good my hair will dry quicker in the sun I think as I wring some water from my long waist length black hair.
"Hey Mizuki over here!"
I turn to see the blonde haired and puppy eyed Kie Uzumaki my best friend.Her blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight.Itachi stands beside her.I walk over to my smiling friend.
"What happened to you?"she says indicating my wet hair.
"Ask Itachi why my hairs wet for the third time this week"
"You woke her with a bucket of cold water again Itachi!"
"If I didn't she'd still be in bed its the only way to wake her up lately and we better get going we're already late"
"Yeah yeah lets go"
We all start running toward the Hokage Residence to meet up with the other Anbu members and get our missions assigned.We arrive slightly winded after running the 10 minutes from my house. Everyone is already here standing in front of the desk behind which sits the third hokage.We quickly stand by the other members of our squads.My squadmates Ryoto and Souta give me welcoming smiles.
"Late again Mizuki?"Ryoto chuckles in my ear.I smile apolegetically at him.
"Okay well now that everyones finally here I can begin giving out your missions which will begin tomorrow"The third hokage says with a crooked smile.I let my mind wander while I wait for my squad to be called for our mission.I notice Danzo Shimura is standing against the wall by the hokage`s desk. He keeps watching Itachi with a morbid look on his face.He looks quite old probably about the hokage`s age which is about 80 I think.Before I can wonder why he`s here I hear my squad being called.
"Squad 8 Ryoto Hyuga,Souta Aburame and Mizuki Uchiha"
"Yes" we answer collectively
"You three will be tracking and killing an s-rank missing-nin from the Hidden Mist Village who has been seen in the woods outside Konoha"
"Yes sir"we answer obediently.He continues down the list I hear Kie`s squad called and her being assigned a mission just outside Konoha as well. I can`t seem to keep my attention off Danzo though he is just giving me a bad feeling for some reason.
"The last squad to be assigned is squad 1 which includes Itachi Uchiha, Minoru Akimichi and Ren Lee. Minoru and Ren will be going to the Hidden Sand Village with a group of travellers as protection"
"What about Itachi?What is he doing?" Ren says with an indignant tone."Why do me and Minoru get all the work?"
"Itachi is being given a special mission by Danzo Shimura and the Konoha Council.Besides I think you two can handle that mission all by yourselves without Itachi."
"Yeah whatever" Ren says with a glare at Itachi walking out the door her long black hair blowing in the wind.
"Ok well everyone has been given a mission so all of you can leave.Everyone good luck tomorrow on your missions.Itachi stay and Danzo will tell you what your mission entails." Itachi nodds his head.The room empties quickly until me and Kie are the only ones left.
"Do you want me to wait for you Itachi?" He looks at me with a slightly worried look on his face but says
"No that`s ok I`ll see you at home"
I walk out with Kie stopping just outside the door that Danzo quickly closes behind us.
"You go on ahead Kie"
"Going to listen in are you?"she smiles mischieviously
"Yeah I want to know what this special mission is all about"
She gives me a smile and shrugs.
"K catch ya later" she says as she runs off.I put my ear to the door.I can just barely make out the voices coming from within.
"Itachi I didn`t want it to come to this really I didn`t.Sadly I think it`s the only way to keep your clan from starting a war" I recognize the voice as Danzo.
"I know if it has to be done to keep peace I`ll do it"
"Itachi I don`t agree with Danzo or the Konoha Council on this matter I still think we can settle this peacefully"
"We already tried it your way and it didn`t work this is the only way"Danzo says his voice loud.
"He`s right"Itachi says.
"Itachi I hope you realize what you`re agreeing to.You will have to kill every last member of the Uchiha clan,your entire family."
My eyes widen as he speaks these words.Murder?The whole clan and tomorrow night?I remember my vision realizing that this is what I had seen. My brother murdering our entire clan.I wait for Itachi to answer knowing fully what his answer will be.But I need to hear it to believe it.
"Yes I do realize that and I will. I will kill every last member of the Uchiha clan."

End of Chapter One!