Diary Excerpts From Random Famous People

Danny Noriega

March 6, 2008

Dear Dannylina,

I am so fucking pissed off at, like, the whole damn country. All the little poptarts decided to vote me & my cute lil purple fringes right off the show. Yeah, I'm feelin' the love, you rotten tomatoes! That's totally UCF (uncalled for). Your loss, America, your loss.

The only good person left on there is my B.F.F., Ramiele. Oh, and David Archuhotstuff. Mm, he's as cute as a lil pink stuffed bunny. The rest of the contestants suck Santa Claus' cock.

Here's what I think about the rest of the contestants, Dannylina:

Amanda O: OMG annoying much??

Brooke W: She's okay. I get...or GOT...along w//her.

Carly S: Her Irishness is the total ish.

Chikezie: Um. Well. There's one good thing about him. His orange outfit. It was the ishh.

David A.: Um. Can you say hottie w // a body?

David C.: Annoying mucho??

David H.: He is so freakin' hott. I wish I had known him when he was a stripper. Yumm.

Jason C.: Dreadlocks are so Hippie 60's.

Kristiii Lee Cook: She's got that awesome country vibe that'd be a turn on ifff......

Michael: ANNOYING. YUCK. How can you like him more then me, America?!

Ramiele: B.F.F.

Syesha: I don't really pay attention to her.

Um...so...ya. To sum it up, America sucks, Simon sucks donkey cock, and my purple fringe is the ishh.