Status: When every I can

Dog Lovers


It was the night of my 21st birthday that I released that I liked Jorel Decker, but I knew that I could not be with him because he had a girlfriend.

"A toast to the first but not last time I will be partying with you guys," I said.

The guys cheered and took a drink of whatever they had. The way that we were sitting was so odd since it was six guys then me. Dylan and Jay where sitting next to each other while I was sitting on Dylan's lap since there was not a lot of room. Matt was sitting nest to Danny while George and Jordan where sitting next to each other looking at the girls that would walk past the booth we where sitting in.

"Dude, how is she not be giving you a hard-on right now?" Matt asked.

I choked on my beer and started coughing when I heard Matt ask that.

"Damn it, Matt don't kill little Scene on her first night of drinking"

Dylan said, as he was patting my back while I was laying on the table liked I was died.

"Dude, you just killed my little sister," Jordan said.

I started laughing since it was a little funny how the guys were acting like I was 'dead'.

"The reason why he does not have a hard-on is the fact that when we where dating I would never put out unless I wanted to," I said.

I saw Jordan make a disgusted face and that made me laugh again. I thought that if I said that maybe Jorel would have said something, but he didn't.

"Kira, you are driving us back home," George said. I glared at him then set my beer down after taking a drink.

"No I am not, I'm going to get drunk and the one driving you and Jay home will be the soberest one out of the seven of us," I said. I thought my adopted brother Jordan would want me to get drunk but I was wrong.

-Later that Night-

I was the most one out of the seven of us so I had to drive Jay, George, and Jordan home. I was the only one awake, or so I thought but that was before Jay said something.

"Kira, you are so sweet. I think that I would want to be with you and not Vanessa."

I knew that most of what he said was the alcohol talking. That night I stayed with George and Jay, I did not have my own place so I would stay with one of the guys. I was laying on the couch trying to sleep when I heard someone.

"Kira, what are you doing?"

"Trying to fall asleep."

"On the couch?"

I could tell that it was Jay now that he was standing over me. I nodded and he shook his head.

"Come on. You need to sleep on a real bed, Come to my room."

"Jay, I'm fine," I told him.

He was one of my brother's friends and I was crushing on him. I did not want to sleep in the same bed as him because one: he had a girlfriend and two: he might still be drunk.

"Kira, come on. I know that the couch is not comfortable," Jay said. I sighed and got up.

"Fine, Jay, but where am I going to sleep?" I asked him.

Jay smiled, and took my hand, and started to lead me to his room. I stopped which made him stop too. He looked at me confused.

"No. Jay, I don't want to hurt your and Vanessa's relationship," I said.

"Kira, I don't care about Vanessa. She and I are...." He stopped and looked down.

I knew he did not want to talk so I started pulling him to his room.

"Come on. Let’s get some sleep," I said.

When we got to his room, he laid down on the bed, I was lying down on the bed too. I was laying no more than a minute when I started to fall asleep.

"Night, Kira."

"Night, Jay."
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New story I hope you guys like it. I have dyslexia so if there are any typos or words that are missed spelled that is why.