Status: Not done yet :D

Star Crossed

Mall Trips

After Angelina and I finished up the sexy play time, we ended up falling asleep. She ended up waking me up at around 2:30.

"Babe, wake up." She mumbled in my ear. "My mom will be home soon." I nodded, grumpily waking up.

I whipped the sleep out of my eyes. "Should we head back to school?" She shook her head.

"Nah. I called Jessica and Jamie. We have decided to go to the mall." I raised an eyebrow.

"We?" I slipped on my shirt. "We, as in, you girls right?" I was really not in the mood to go to the mall with her and her friends. They were annoying as hell and constantly thought it was important for me to take them everywhere.

"No!" She said hugging me, "You're commin' too!"

I groaned. "Do I have to come?" I asked her, politely shoving her off of me. "Can't you drive yourself?"

"I can't, silly." She said like it was obvious. "My car is at school."

I rolled my eyes. "Then why don't we just go-"

"Come on!" She exclaimed, interrupting me, "Lets go." I sighed, following her.

~Give or take about 6 hours later~

That's it. I'm breaking up with her. I can not for the life of me take another fucking moment with her and her friends. We have been in Holister for about an hour now, because Jessica's friend, Emily, thinks she looks fat so now they're cheering her up or some shit. I childishly sat down on one of the chairs and crossed my arms. I want to hang out with my friends, like Andrew, and Jack from the team... and Seamus. I flushed with embarrassment as I remembered what I had thought about him earlier. Why had I thought that? It's not like he's gay or anything. And neither am I.

At least I don't think so. I did in fact like that thought of Seamus on me, or me on him. I shook my head. That's just too weird. He's my friend. My cute little guy friend.

I sighed, leaning back in the chair I was sitting in, as I heard Jessica squealing like a pig over a shirt that just looked 'So good on her'. I closed my eyes and continued on with my thoughts. I was never one to really care, nor pay much attention to my sexuality, or anyone elses for that matter. I guess it's more acceptable to be straight so I went with that.

I'm not saying that I'm gay- cause I'm not. Fuck, I don't know, maybe I like guys. I can't be too sure. I guess I'll just... like both. But.. Liking dudes is wrong, right? Oh well. I just need to get out of here. This store smells like shit. I'm sure I have better things to do than spend my time here. I can't help but feel like I had something to do today. Um...

Oh fuck. I was supposed hang out with Seamus. Oh well. I should probably call him about that or something. I reached in my pocket for my phone to realize it wasn't there. What the hell?

"Angelina?" I asked, getting up from where I was sitting.

"Yeah, babe?"

"Where's my phone?" She rolled her eyes and reached into her purse.

"Here." I took it from her and looked through it. 6 missed calls from Seamus. Oh wow. I dialed his number.

It rang a few times before someone answered. "Hello?" I looked at my phone confused. That wasn't Seamus.

"You're not Seamus. Who's this?" I asked.

"Oh, Seamus is in my room. I'm Alek." Alek? Alekzander? Andrew's creepy, whore brother? What is he doing with Seamus?

"Oh.. Hey Alek." I mumbled. "It's Craig. Andrew's friend."

"I know." He said, "I can read the caller ID." Oh yeah. "Me and Seamus were just talkin' about you." I got confused. Was Seamus upset with me? How did he know Alek?

"Oh.. Well can I talk to Seamus?" I said, getting a bit uncomfortable talking to him. I didn't really like Alek. He was always flirting with everyone and he was just really aggressive. I didn't like the thought of him hanging out with Seamus. He might take advantage of him or somethin'.

"Nah, I'm sure you have better things to do, right?" He said, matter of factly, "I mean, something so important that you ditched your bestfriend, right?" I squinted. What was he trying to say. "You obviously don't care much about Seamus, right? To leave him waiting for your ass for like an hour." What the hell is this asshole trying to say?

"Look, just let me talk to him." I said, getting a bit annoyed.

"No." He said straight forwardly. "I don't think you should talk to him. Anymore."

I raised an eyebrow. "And why is that?"

"Because you don't deserve him." Don't deserve him? What?

"What the hell are you talking about, Alek? He's my bestfriend."

"He's too good for you, Craig." He exclaimed, "He needs someone who's not gonna just talk to him when he feels like."

I scoffed. "Just let me talk to him."

"Do you like him, Craig? Like, like-like him?" Alek questioned me.

I rolled my eyes. 'Like-like'? What are we, 12? "Of course I don't." I said through gritted teeth. "I'm not a faggot like you." I know that was a little harsh, but this dudes being a dick. I could hear someone mumbling in the background.

He just laughed. "Good. Cause I do." I rolled my eyes. Of course he does. He likes everyone.

"Whatever." I said, "He's not gay. Just let me talk to him."

"Nope!" He exclaimed. "And how do you know he's not gay? Have you ever even asked him?" I tensed for a moment. I haven't ever asked him. I guess I just assumed her was straight. But If he was gay, he'd tell me, so he's not. "Exactly."

"He's not a fag, Alek. So don't fuck around." I roared. This guy was pissing me off.

"He's quite the kisser, you know." What? "But that's not important. I can do what I please."


"I'll tell him you called." He said before hanging up. Wha.. What the fuck.
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Hmm.. I had thought that I'd already posted this chapter. Oh well.