Only Curious


I stretched my legs over the seat in front of me and yawned with a sigh. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to do this but no one said I couldn't.

Now, here I was, sitting ice level in Bridgestone Arena. The doors were open and nobody stopped me so I don't think they'll care if they take a nap.

It just so happened that I just came out of class at TSU. You see, I took broadcasting. My dream was to be a sportscaster. I had the pleasure to meet the whole crew of TSN back home in Vancouver and they all recommended TSU. I wanted to stay close to my home team of the Canucks but I decided my future and career was more important.

Anyways, as I was saying, on my way home I happened to pass by the Arena and since this may be where I work in the future I decided to stop by.

I let out an even bigger yawn this time, closing my eyes for only a few moments. I guess I didn't keep track of the time.
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okay, so i tried pekka rinne multi chaptered stories before but i just ran out of ideas but i think im just gonna let this one be about nothing. just a quirky romance full of cliches and boring shit that would happen in real life. like eating a hamburger. we all love those. except vegans and vegetarians.