‹ Prequel: Rhinestone Eyes.
Status: Active.

False Paradise.


April 5th, 2023.
Every second is a waste of time.

I was sitting in the old coffee shop, across from Hayden. Everyone else had left. I just got out of rehab for the third time today, not even 2 hours ago; no one wants to see me.

The first time I went to rehab I was 15, it was okay that time because all of my friends thought I was sick and I needed to go away for a while. The second time I told Macie that I was going to rehab for drug abuse, not because I hurt myself.
But this time it was different because I had lied before, I had gone twice already and I had to go again. Macie told me she would see me on the day I came home but after that she didn’t want to be friends anymore. I was ‘bad for her’.

We had been sitting here in silence for much longer than I thought he could go without speaking.
My phone buzzed on the table, I looked down at the screen, then procrastinated on answering or not. The phone continued to buzz.

“Are you-?”


The phone stopped buzzing and the silence came back. He looked uncomfortable. He had never seen me at a weak point I guess you could say. Seeing me like this, all weird and quiet. It probably made him want to rip out his hair.

“I don’t wa-.”

“Shut up.”

I got up and headed for the door, Hayden, the loyal puppy he is was right behind me. I walked down the road until I came to an alley, went down the alley, so did Hayden.

This would be the first time he witnessed a drug deal, he deserves a golden star.

“Where are we-.”

I turned on my heel nearing head butting him.

“I said shut the fuck up. Do you know what that means?!”

He just nodded awkwardly and was quiet.

He followed me from a distance and kept his hands in his pockets.

No words were exchanged, the money was traded for the pills and no one had any idea that it had happened. No even Hayden knew what had just happened, he just followed me the rest of the way through the alley.

“Did you just… Get drugs? Like that?”

“No I grabbed a strangers hand because God told me to.”

He furrowed him brow and looked up at the sky. “What?”

I narrowed my eyes. “You’re literally the stupidest person I have EVER met.”

He looked like a 1st grader that had been asked to solve an algebra equation. I sighed and turned around walking back around the block to the coffee shop as my phone started to ring again, it was mom. It was time for her to pick us up and take us home.

We turned the corner and I turned to Hayden who of course ran into me.


“No… Do not speak. You say a word about this and you’ll regret it.”

“About what?”

“I hate you… So much.”

“I know.” He followed me to the car that turned out to not be mom but Uncle Danny. That made me smile as I pushed Hayden out of the way and opened the front passenger door.

“How was it this time?”

“Oh wonderful!”

“As I expected.”

Hayden sat in the back seat not talking the whole ride home. We lived next to each other and had for the past six years, it was pretty cool beside the fact that Hayden ALWAYS came over to ‘hang out’.

When we pulled into Danny’s drive way I got out of the car as soon it stopped and walked across the patch of grass that we shared. I walked into the front door and heard the T.V.

“I’m home.”

I made my way upstairs and into my bedroom.


Nevah jumped on me, me not expecting her fell backwards, and we both crashed to the floor her laughing and hugging me, me feeling like I had died.

Mom came running up the stairs looking worried at first then burst into a giggle fit.

“I glad you two think it’s cute, I think my liver has ruptured, and my spine is broken in like four billion places.”

Nevah got off of me and smiled.

“I’ve been waiting for you all day!”

“Neat. You waited all day just to kill me, that’s so sweet of you.”

“You’re welcome!”

She ran off to her room and left me and mom alone in the hallway.

“Come on get up… Give your mama a hug you big mama’s boy!”

I smiled and got up to hug her, I already have her beat by a foot, she’s so tiny.

“I missed you baby.”

She hugged me tighter and I hugged her back.

“I know… I’m sorry.”

She pulled away and smiled.

“Don’t be it’s okay it’s not your fault. Why don’t you get some rest? Are you hungry?”

“Yeah… Can you make chicken enchiladas?”

“I bought the stuff yesterday I knew you would ask.”

“You’re the best mom ever.”

“Oh I already knew that! Now get yourself a nap.”

She walked down the stairs and I turned into my bedroom seeing Nevah running after her to help her cook. I smiled and closed my door. I took my jacket off and then my belt and shoes. I sat down on my bed and sighed. Took my over shirt off and ran my hands through my hair. I took my nasty ass socks off and grabbed my jacket, reaching into the pocket.

I hated lying to her, telling her that I’m sorry and knowing that she knows I’m not.