Status: School's back where I am! Sorry but I promise to update as soon as I can

Save You Tonight

Single Life

"Alright can we get the lads out?" Darryl yelled to the crew.
His voice is so loud I swear I think I'm going to need ear surgery if he keeps yelling like this.

"Darryl they're right there. You don't need to shout." I said while rubbing my ear.
"I know I just love doing that." he grinned.
"Alright." I said, confused.
"Do you think it would be better if the boys were in the water or on the beach?"
"You're a Directioner aren't you?"
"Of course." I said with a 'duh' expression on my face.
"So just tell me where..."
I cut him off. "No matter what they're doing we'll love it even with what they're wearing....."

I was silenced with the boys walking towards me and Darryl shirtless.

"Or by not wearing?" Darryl chuckled.
I looked back at him. "This is definitely going to be sold out in seconds."
"Are you okay?"
"Is my face red?"
"Then no! I'm not okay."
"You can still do the shoot right?"
"Of course I can. But I'm going to use a tripod, I don't think I can hold the camera still." I felt goosebumps.
"Just be sure to focus on the shots Ms. Donovan." he said seriously.
"Yes of course, that's what I'm here for." I assured him.
"Good." he then turned his attention to them. "Alright let's do some shots with you guys swimming and just playing in the beach."

"Are you okay babe?" Zayn asked me.
I had my back turned on them so they wouldn't see my face.
I couldn't say anything so I just nodded and smiled.
"Are you sure?" he put his hand on my shoulder.
I looked at his abs then up to his eyes. "I'm sure." I said dreamily.
He smiled and walked away with the other boys.

"Well that went well." Darryl said, crossing his arms.
"Yes. It's unexpected." I said, still stunned.
"Let's just get on it."

I could feel that I was shaking on my way to the camera. They are smiling at me, or are they smiling towards the camera? I don't know anymore. I can't think straight. I have to remember the number one rule my dad told me when I first started, keep it professional.

They decided to pose as if they were in a body-building contest or something. They would flex, especially Louis and Zayn.

"My ovaries cannot handle this." I muttered.
"Did you say something?" Matt asked me, he was sitting a few feet away from me.
"No." I quickly replied.

"Lads in the water now!" Darryl said.

I'm sure he yelled that because everyone else was irritated but it sounded quite faint for me, I was too stunned to notice. I'm standing with the boys shirtless and I'm taking pictures.

"Ms. Donovan are you alright?" Darryl shook my shoulder.
No noise came out of my mouth.
"Renee?" Darryl shook even harder.
"It's no use mate. Once she sees those lads like that there's no making conversation with her." Matt dragged me across the beach near the water.
"I'm fine." I finally said.
"I'm holding on to you just in case you pass out." he continued holding my arm.
"Kay..." I muttered.

"Would it be possible if we all go surfing?" Liam asked.
"That depends, can all of you swim?" Darryl asked.
They all looked at Zayn.
"How about just me and Louis?" Liam suggested.
"I'm not sure lads. We're on a tight schedule. I can't afford any injuries, I get a panic attack and will most likely end up in the hospital before the injured person."
"Just make sure you don't go too far." I said shyly.
"Alright babe." Harry winked at me.
"Brilliant." I smiled.

They all raced towards the water. I started shooting, yes my heart was racing and I have been grinning nonstop. But do I care? Not really. I'm doing something I love and working with the five boys every girl dreams of marrying. I could consider myself lucky if there was no rule about staying professional.

But right now I might as well enjoy every second of this photo shoot, this is the closest I'll ever get to have the boys take off their shirts for me and smile for the camera.

It was break time, people were eating, talking, fixing their equipment and loads more. We have an hour to just relax and not worry about anything. I was on my way to get a soda, it's a little hot out here.

From the corner of my eye, Zayn walked up to get a drink himself.
"Hello." I greeted.
"Hey babe." he smiled back.
"So, how are you?"
"I'm good. Just excited to record for our new album."
"Well I can't wait to hear it."
"Can't wait to see the calendar." he smiled and walked back to the others.

I walked back to the table where Darryl and Matt were eating.
"You seem relaxed." Matt noticed.
"I'm just enjoying the single life." I winked at him.
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