Status: Rated R for language

Mommy's Helper

Pregnancy sucks.
Really, there isn't anything good about it. Except maybe that you can eat and bitch all you want and no one will question it.
You're fat, always aching, and can't eat or drink certain things. This is something very hard to take, especially at 19.
My boyfriend promised we could do it, but once the morning sickness started he bolted. I don't even know where he is now. He's just gone.
The only people I have are my 2 roommates. Their names are Ruby and Ashlyn.
I knew I couldn't do this by myself though. There was just NO way. So I decided to join Mommy's Helper.
It's a program set up by my doctors for people who didn't know if they were ready for their own kids yet, so they'd help single or young parents. I was both. I'd put my name in and my doctor would pair me with a couple contemplating pregnancy.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that my name would be given to the lead singer of my favorite band, and his wife.
But it did.
And things just got crazier from there.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avenged Sevenfold or any other famous people who may appear in this. I do own the plot, and all the other characters who aren't famous. Do not steal. Or I will send my pregnant friend on you. She will kill you. And no one will question it. Because she's pregnant, and her hormones are all over the place.