Tears Of Blood

Tears Of Blood (1)

Your name is Rain Jade you are 16 years old and your life pretty much sucks. Your parents got divorced when you 10 and your dad got full custody. Your step mom is uber bitch from hell and abuses you, saying that you look to much like your mother with your long (down to knees) purple hair, grey-blue eyes, medium body and flawless skin, while your dad turns a blind eye. This night started as usual, you up in your room and your dad and step mom down stair fighting again. As you here the fighting stop you know that you have about 10 minutes before your step mom comes up and the abuse begins.
"Were are you you little bitch?" she screams at you as she enters the room
"Right here whore" you scream from your bed.
"What did you call me you little fuck?” she says as she grabs your hair
"You heard me bitch"
And with that she throws you against a wall and it goes on like that for at least an hour ending with you having a twisted wrist, a black eye and a limp in your right leg. With this last out burst you decide fuck this shit. You dig thought your closet and find the biggest backpack you can and start to fill it with all of your shit. Once that is done you open your window and shimmy down the drainage pipe and run you don’t know were but as long
as it is not here with these people. When you final stop you realize you are in the woods near your house. You put your back against a tree slide down it and start to cry. Then you hear some thing behind you. You turn your head and see nothing but when you look forward again there are two glowing red eyes. You try to scream but a hand muffles it.
"Now love don’t do that do you want to die,” a cold and emotion less voice says in your ear. You feel a hand going up your shirt and your assault kissing your neck and then stops on a tender part.
"Ah this is perfect,” the voices, says again then you feel a pain in your neck that makes you wish that you were died. As the blood is being sucked out of you everything starts to go black. Then as you are about to black out you feel your assault pulled off of you and a pair of strong arms pick you up then ...black. You wake up and notice that you are not
in your bed but in a four-post canapé bed that has black silk sheets and a red curtain pulled around it. You close your eyes and tell your self you are dreaming then all the memories of what happened before you blacked out came flooding back to you. You are sitting there rubbing your head when the curtain gets pulled back. You look over to see and tall about 6'10" that looks about your age boy with icy blue eyes, silver short spiked hair and…fangs.
"Oh your awake how are you feeling?” he said with concern
"Light headed, weak, and hungry. Were am I anyways."
"Your at our home and it makes sense that you don’t feel all that well you lost a lot of blood before Matt saved you and the hunger...well you have been asleep for a week so that makes sense too."
"A WEEK” you scream while sitting up but as you sit up you feel light-headed “whoa to fast” you say falling back in to the bed
"Hey take it easy I said you lost a lot of blood"
"What were you doing in here anyways?"
"I was just coming to change your bandages when I saw you were awake. Since you are hungry why don’t you get cleaned up and come to dinner there’s a closet full of cloths thought that door and there is a bathroom down the hall, second door on your left.” he says pointing out the closet door and the door he had come thought.
“ I will be right out side to help you down the stair...oh and by the way names Nate."
And with that he exits the room. You sit up more slowly this time and slowly walk to the closet and get some black flare jeans, a white long sleeve shirt with a black Tinker Bell shirt over it, combat boots, and some fingerless gloves then cross the hall to the bathroom. You are amazed at the size. It has a huge Jacuzzi tube, marble sink and sliding glass door shower. You fill up the bath and just sit there thinking about all that has happened after about an hour you decide to get dressed. You put your hair up in a simple ponytail with two strands of hair falling out in front of your face. As you are exiting your room you all of a sudden smack in to something hard and fall to your ass.
"Oh sorry you must be our guest. "
You open your eyes to eye a tall men about 6'10" with spiked blonde hair and emerald green eyes dressed in all white holding a hand out to you. You grab his hand and he helps pull you up
"So who are you?"
"Oh Rain sorry"
"Well Miss Rain may I escort you down stairs to dinner."
"Sure I would more than likely get lost if you didn’t.”
“By the way the name is Allen”
So Allen walks you thought the rather large house until you reach a huge dinning room with a huge table and about 4 other guys including Nate sitting at the very end of the table.
“So were do I sit?”
“Well you are our honored guest so you get the head by the way this is Matt, Edward, Alphonse, and you already know Nate.”
Matt had deep purple eyes with short spiked bleach blonde hair, Edward had golden yellow eyes with hair to match, and Alphonse had silver hair with teal eyes and two rather large teal cat ears and tail. All were about 6’10” and you could tell the all were totally ripped.
“Ok so what are we having I am staving.”
“Well” Said Alphonse standing up and pulling out your chair, “just some chill-cheese dogs and Fries sorry it isn’t fancier.”
“Oh its ok chill dogs are one of my favorite foods.” You say with a huge smile, “So what happened …I don’t… remember anything… after I blacked out.” You say in-between bits
“Well…” Edward began, “We showed up a little to late and you were already badly injured so we “incapacitated” Kevin we got you here as fast as we could.”
“But why did that dude…Kevin attack me.” You ask
“Really we don’t know…we were following him because he has been known to attack humans before … he always has a reason and it usual has to do with his boss…so in short we don’t know why but I am sure we will find out soon enough.” Said Matt in kind of a monotone voice
“What do you mean “human” aren’t you all human too.” You ask kinda confused
“Well…” Nate said kinda hesitant, “you see we are not human…I am a Vampire, Allen is a Angel, Matt is a Fallen, Edward is a Werewolf and Alphonse is a Neko.”
The moment that Nate finished all the guys look at you like they expected you to scream or call them all crazy.
“Dude… THAT IS FUCKI NG KICK ASS!” you say with a huge smile
“WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” all said in unison
“What did you expect me to scream or something…yeah right I think that that is totally kick ass so does that mean ya’ll can fly and stuff.”
“Well Matt, Allen, and I can, Edward and Alphonse just run really fast so you’re not scared or anything like that.” Nate asked confused
“ No why would I be I think this is awesome…but I am kinda tired so can one of you show me to me room.” You said well yawning
“Sure allow me to show to your room.” said Edward holding out his hand
“Sure.” So you got up and followed Edward to your bedroom
“ If you need anything Nate’s room is across the hall, mine is on the right of yours, Allen’s on the left and Alphonse’s is across from Allen’s and Matt’s is across from mine. Good night.”
So you entered your room throw on a pair of track pants and tank top and as soon as your head hit that pillow you were out like a light.
~Nates POV~
“So” you started as Edward came back into the room “do we know why Kevin was after her.”
“Well I don’t think she knows why” Said Edward as he took a seat.
“So who is going to guard her room tonight…not me I guarded it last night.” Alphonse says
“I Will.” Edward says getting up and walking away
“Ok boys we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow so lets all get some shut eye.”
So you and everyone else head up the stairs and go to bed.
~Rain’s POV~
You had been asleep for hours and were awakened by a sudden surge of cold air.
“What the fuck?” you say sleepily.
You look around and see that the window is open. You get up and go close it think if maybe you left the window open. You turn back around to head to bed when you see a dark figure by your bed.
“Who the fuck are you?!?!?!” you ask defensively
“Why love don’t you recognize me?” says a cold. You immediately recognize the voice as the asshole who tried to suck you dry. You mange to let out a quick scream before you black out.
~Edwards POV~
You are sitting out side Rains room when you hear her scream so you brake down the door. You enter her room to find her unconscious in the arms of Kevin.
“ PUT HER DOWN YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” you scream loud enough to wake the whole house up and with in minutes all the guys are there.
“ Sorry boys but master has other plans for her” Kevin says as he disappears in a flash of blinding light
“SHIT FUCK BITCH DAM FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT FUCK BITCH” Nate screams at the top of his lung as the others try to calm him down. “Edward …” Nate starts after the long line of colorful (for lack of a better word) language “did you put the tracking device on Rain?”
“Yea why?” you ask confused
“Because we are going to bring her Back.” Nate says very determined.
~Rains POV~
You wake up in a huge bed at least twice the size of the one at the boys place with blood red silk sheets. You move your hand to rub your face when you see that it is chained to the bed along with your other hand and both feet and that you are no longer in your PJs but in a corset and underwear. As you are about to scream the door opens and in walks Kevin.
“ I see that you are up love now we can have seem fun.” He says with an evil grin.
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well i am all about ppl telling me what they think so go ahaed i have like 15 more chapters written up so if you guys like it i will pubilsh the other chapters. Thank You