The Awakening

Chapter 2

So here I am falling to my doom on the first real day of my life. There was a brief moment when I hoped beyond everything that maybe waiting for me at the bottom was my other life. My full life in which I was a normal teen because I’d rather be normal and happy than different and falling to my impending doom and if any of you would choose the latter option I personally think you need to really rethink your life, but then again that's just my own, sane(ish) opinion. Of course that isn't what happened though: of course, life just doesn't work like that. Instead I fell and eventually hit the floor. Only it wasn't in the way I was expecting. When my body hit something solid I thought I must have died, but I didn't feel free and there wasn't any great light. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the floor, it was marble. I looked up and in front of me was a...a...washing machine. What an anticlimax. I stood up and saw that I was in a kitchen. My knees were weak and trembling and I had to hold on to the counter top for support. Then I saw it, in all it's beauty. Cake! I jumped at it like it was the last cake I would ever eat, or first depending on whether you believe the crazy people. It was tofu cake. Yum. For those of you who can't tell there was some slight sarcasm there. I was starving though like, well like I hadn't eaten in my whole life. No! I couldn't think like that. I was kidnapped that's all, taken from my home by some crazy cult and soon I would get back home. Regardless, that didn't explain what had happened when I fell. No matter what world your in; falling ten stories should kill you, right? I needed to find somewhere to sleep; I could think about all this when I was rested and thinking clearly. As I began to walk my knee buckled and I fell to the floor as I realized how much pain I was in. It felt like I had fallen from that building and hit floor, but if I truly had then I would of died. "Argh," I grunted as my face once again made acquaintance with the cold marble. I just needed to sleep now; the world could wait. I tried again, reaching near to the door before collapsing again. I didn't have the energy for another attempt and sank back into my brain blocking out everything else and just slipping away.

“Lets put him down here,” A voice said. Dropping me onto a much softer surface then the kitchen floor.

“I wonder how he got here?” A voice overhead spoke, their tone soft and quiet. I slowly opened my eyes. The room was dark but still far to bright for my eyes, causing me to groan slightly and rub my head with my palms. I had a splitting headache and quickly closed my eyes again. I felt something cool press against my forehead, releasing some of the tension and causing me too sigh. “I think he might be waking up,” the same soft voice said.

“Water” I managed too croak out of the Sahara desert that my throat has become. I open my eyes slightly and see a figure sitting over me, but still can't make out who they are through the blur of light. I took the cup held out too me and began to sip from it slowly. It helped, a little. My eyes adjusted and I now look upon the face of my discoverers. I react instinctively going into a defensive position, fists raised. A man grabs my hands together softly and gently rests them back down. A younger girl stands next to him; she didn't look older than 9 years old. “You're among friends now son, just calm yourself.” The man's tone was comforting and calm which just made me feel more on edge. I tried to even my expression and ​hide the shock and fear coursing through my veins. The man slowly let go. “Who are you? Where am I?” I shouted in the most demanding tone I could manage, which wasn't much.

“My name is Martin. You are in Minnesota in northern America. Well, what's left of it anyway.” His tone was unchanged.

“And I'm Jade,” The young girl said in a voice like birds singing. “Are you hungry? Or still thirsty?” She asked fluttering her eyelashes sweetly.

“No thank you, I...I just need to get out of here.” I made an attempt to stand, without much prevail.

“I don't think you're in a position to go anywhere just yet. Rest up and if there's anything you need just ask Jade here.” I nod disheartened, confused and alone. I was now at the mercy of strangers in a world that was not my own. With my mind somewhat calmed i looked around my saviours or captures domain. I was in a living room not much smaller than the memory of my own. The walls were a simple beige and the carpet the same although mostly covered by a dark brown rug. Besides the couch i had been laid on there was a chair and a small desk with a lamp cluttered with unorganized paper in the corners and a small screen mounted into the wall above the fireplace. I could here the light crackling of the small fire going which the girl now stirred with a fire poker and rubbed her hands in front of. She was quite normal looking no different to the younger sisters of my friends back home with dark brown eyes and blonde pigtailed hair tied with a red bow. Her clothing was a purple dress fastened with buttons; which was obviously too long for her and had many dark patches from neglected washing with socks as high as they could be pulled and a yellow hair-band holding back her fringe. She pulled out a blanket and cocooned herself in it. Back home I don't have any siblings. Whenever I asked my parents about it they would just make a joke about how i was enough to keep them busy accompanied by a fake laugh or just abruptly change the subject. I had too stop doubting what i knew in my heart to be true. That my family and my experiences were real. I had to focus on my present circumstance of being in this house with these people. They don't appear to mean me harm as if they had wanted me dead i already would be unless they are part of the group that kidnapped me and are keeping me alive to take me back to them. I couldn't take that risk of being strapped to a table like an experiment again. He said this place was called Minnesota in America, but i've never heard either of these two words before. These places don't exist. The only place is the one i grew up in called Lorem ipsum, they told us so at school. Our town was built when our anncestors turned in homosapiens and has been there ever since. There is nothing more and nothing less, but then where am i?