Status: Pretty Please Comment; Active

Without Memories We Are Nothing

"Sophie!" she heard her name being yelled.

"Uuuugh!" she moaned and buried her face into the hotel pillow.

A coffee was pushed in her hand and she sat up and took a drink.

"Just the way I like it." she smiled.

"I know just the way you like it." Val winked.

"Mmmm, baby." Sophie bite her lip.

"It isn't polite to tease." Brian he wagged his finger at them.

"Fuck you." Sophie narrowed her eyes.

"Zacky's about to bust a button over here." Matt wrapped his arms around Val.

"It ain't gonna suck it's self!" Zacky called.

"I'm not that drunk, babe." Sophie smirked.

"Fuck you, Zach." Johnny swore.

Zacky had tripped over Johnny.

"You think I wanted to fall on my fucking face short shit?" Zacky shot back.