
Gory and his unit of Ranger's endure the realities of the post-apocalyptic world while helpng to keep survivors living in underground stations alive by bring supplied and equipment to those in need, occasionally acting a a police force keeping Raiders and Bandits away from 'free stations'. and when the oppertuity arises venturing to the surfice and searching the old world.
  1. Prologue
    Gory ranger's end their latest supply treck
  2. Grazick Station - Arrival
    Gory's Range's begin to rest from their journey an learn about the Ranger-ways
  3. ‘Refuelling’ and the Revolution
    the Ranger's find the eating area in Grazick, and later learn of how times have changed
  4. One night in Grazick
    The night draws n in Grazick as the Rangers enjoy some R&R
  5. General Kerrinski
    Gory meets the Stations commander to discuss the new leader of the Communist stations
  6. Rest over, new orders
    The Ranger's prepare to leave...but something about there new task is affecting Menza
  7. The Dark Tunnels
    the Ranger's embark from Grazick to Ryujin
  8. Ryujin
    the Ranger's arrive at a new station to begin there new mission
  9. The Surface
    The group begins to venture into the devastated city of Ganhal
  10. The War Effort
    The goup continues their journey across the icy Streets of Ganhal
  11. Outpost 35
    The Ranger's settle in at their objective
  12. Asylum, a trial by fire
    Menza opens up about his dark past
  13. Transfered
    Unknowinly wanted for crimes he did not commit, Menza is sent away from Satzgrad
  14. The Ranger's
    Having met his new commander, Menza is put through an unusual test
  15. Waiting
    Silence before the storm
  16. All to hell
    The group must retreat froma fascist counter attack, with chlling consequences
  17. Ganhal
    the Journey to the Central station begin, Jennifer raises suspisions
  18. Ganal
    Kerrinski, Gory and the others are escorted to Ganhal and meet an interesting Hunter
  19. Ganhal
    An arrival in Ganhal